All Apps Error Status After Update to 8.0.3
They absolutely can be the issue depending on their configuration and filter lists(!)
- and did the trick.
... because my pihole wasn't able to do ipv6 dns resolution? which must have become a requirement from 7.7.2 to 8.0.3? As mentioned earlier I don't have any internet ipv6 connectivity so I'm not entirely sure how this is happening... but I'm not changing anything now that things are working.
For people finding the same issue the solution I did was to fresh install ubuntu server, set static IP and dns to and, I then restored cloudron as normal.
For anyone else out there that is having trouble, I was able to fix this issue by disabling ipv6 within ubuntu.
First I did the curl test as mentioned by @nebulon - it worked as expected, but when adding the --ipv6 option it failed.
When running "ip a" I could see an ipv6 address was present.
Using the link that @playsia supplied, I carried out the steps described in section 1: Disable IPv6 using Sysctl. I didn't need to modify the /etc/rc.local file.
Running "ip a" again, there was no more ipv6 addresses shown.
I only had these issues after upgrading to V8.0.3 and Ubuntu 24.04.1.