Online/offline status indicator in the Mac App broken
My problem is probably a bit off-topic as it only relates to the desktop app (Mac). However, nobody else seems to have the problem and it has only occurred very recently and without updating the app. So I'll try my luck here!
In the desktop app, the user's online status (green tick next to the profile picture) has only been displayed as ‘offline’ for a few days now.
If the user is logged into the browser, the status is displayed correctly both in the browser and in the app. However, if the user is only logged into the app, the status is marked as offline. Manual changes to the status are only retained until the next reload/restart of the app.Reinstalling, updating the app, clearing the cache and restarting the server have been tried. Without success.
I can't find anything in the server logs, in the app logs or in the app's Dev Console. No comparable case can be found on Google, on Github (desktop app), there is only an older issue for the Windows app.Is it the same for others? Does anyone have an idea?
Desktop App version 5.9.0 (but also 5.2.2), server version 9.10.1., Cloudron Package Version 2.2.0
Thanks for the tip, I have entered it there: