S3 Storage Support
Do you have more background info on this? Are there any specific errors or hints what those missing S3 transports are? The more info we get the more likely it is to add it to the package.
@nebulon said in S3 Storage Support:
Do you have more background info on this? Are there any specific errors or hints what those missing S3 transports are? The more info we get the more likely it is to add it to the package.
For example, I've access to Hetzner's BETA for its new S3 API Compatible storage, and when I try to implement it I use "S3 API Compatible (v4)" and when I try to save it I get this error message:
Error listing objects. Message: null HTTP Code: NoSuchKey
Could that be the problem, or alt least this could be another 'bug', is this ringing a bell for you?
This sounds like a bug in documenso then if it can't find expected objects in the storage. But if we want to investigate here, maybe not use a Beta S3 storage on top of a feature in Documenso for a start.
@kbtonmoy how are you configuring Documenso? Is this the S3 backend configs around
around https://docs.documenso.com/developers/self-hosting/how-to#advanced-configuration ? Have you already looked for help from Documenso as it most likely is not a Cloudron related issue. -
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