SoGo Calendar - other cloudron users as contacts
Hmm it has been for a bit like that. I remember when I originally set it up everything worked. You could see contacts and when they are available.
I don't remember the exact time I realized it not working, but it must have been 1–2 Months ago. Was not a priority and was still setting up so I didn't follow up on it.I can try to recover the exact date I realized it stopped working if that helps.
Could have been broken for longer though. Maybe it is related to this? Removed SOGoGlobalAddressBookFirstEntries (use listRequiresDot instead) and move SOGoGlobalAddressBookFirstEntriesCount to globalAddressBookFirstEntriesCount in source scope. This fixed the broken listRequiresDot in 5.10 (4dba56f)
After investigating a bit, this is probably due to
This hasn't changed in a long time though on our end. Not sure if it makes sense to enable this for all, might "leak" Cloudron users to users. Personally I think it might just be useful, but maybe other SOGo users here can also comment on this?
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@nebulon Thank you posting this information. If you enable the Cloudron user directory, is it all users on that Cloudron or only the users defined for that domain? For example, if I have 10 users on and 10 users on, will every user see 20 users or just the 10 resident in their domain?
@nebulon Thank you for the explanation. Is there any way to implement a "company directory" by domain as opposed to a "Cloudron directory"? Clearly this method would not work since all CLoudron users would be exposed and their calendar availability as well(:
@nebulon Could the groups ACL currently built into Cloudron be extended into SoGo calendar? It is possible to limit apps to certain groups. Can multiple Sogo instances be added so that Group X has access to its own Sogo and Group Y has access to its own Sogo and the address book while global is confined to just the group?