Update sogo to 5.12.0
Full Changelog
calendar: Can now create Jitsi link when making event (42c227b 9f4f48a)
dev: add devcontainer config to test and dev on sogo (8904350)
mail: Deletion of mail older than x. Closes #6023. (6f86506 ea427ea)
mail: Add move to icon on the mail view. Closes #6028. (f65ab9b)
mail: Add sort by recipient instead of from in sent folder. Change subject_or_to in sent folder for search instead of subject_or_from. Closes #6030. (2258d5c)
mail: Add 'Return-Receipt-To' header for mail receipt (b3c77a0)
core: Check password strength on login (SQL Source). Closes #6025. (178b1a3)
@crazybrad said in Solr and Adding a New Mail Domain:
I wonder if Cloudron (or SoGo EAS) is rejecting all connections from iOS until the mail configuration (addition of a new domain) is complete. Does the mail server restart to "enable" the new domain?
The mail sever does restart when adding a new domain. This has to be done to make it aware of the domains it is supposed to start handling. Let me see if I can get hold of an iOS device to test this. I should simply use the standard iOS Mail Client + EAS?
@nebulon Could the groups ACL currently built into Cloudron be extended into SoGo calendar? It is possible to limit apps to certain groups. Can multiple Sogo instances be added so that Group X has access to its own Sogo and Group Y has access to its own Sogo and the address book while global is confined to just the group?
@AartJansen said in vacation message not ending:
Does that bottom row of "Enable autoreply on these days" overwrite the schedule ?
Good question, your guess is as good as mine
@fbartels Thank you very much! It’s great to understand why things don’t work as expected!
I would have switched dns provider a long time ago if it wasn’t for the fact that they are basically the only provider that offers domains from my country (and for a reasonable price).
I’ll try autodiscover and if that doesn’t work, I’ll try a secondary domain name for my email.
An Microsoft 365 Outlook can still be the old Outlook. Its just that Microsoft prefers selling it as a subscription instead of a one time fee.
This page has screenshots of the new Outlook: https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/microsoft-365/outlook/email-and-calendar-software-microsoft-outlook
While the old one looks more like this:
[image: 1718873461426-dc717f53-1aa8-4d58-9771-f72240848df4-image.png]
But as I said in https://forum.cloudron.io/post/86789 Outlook with ActiveSync does not really make for happy end users. ActiveSync is just not a protocol for desktop applications.
@RokeJulianLockha I think the mailing list is the only channel. The mailing list archive is here - https://www.mail-archive.com/users%40sogo.nu/maillist.html . It seems active, if you can figure how to mail it
@True said in SOGo - Modifiable shared calendar doesn't update:
Recently I am looking to create a shared calendar resource in SOGo. The idea would be that customers (or 3rd parties who don't possess cloudron mailbox in my infra) could get authenticated access and create calendar events over outlook or some other mail client via .ics or some other method.
For 3rd parties this may not be possible, as SOGo on Cloudron only works with authenticated users for a Cloudron local mailbox.
I wasn't using my Cloudron instance as mail server. I have some ISP issues with inbound email so I try to avoid cloudron mailbox for now. The good news is that for the SoGO login doesn't need a fully working mailbox just an existing one. The domain mentioned in the manual is the dns domain(!!)
Anyways the steps which fixed the issue:
For this example let's assume your domain is hostedservice.page and we will create a mailbox james@hostedservice.page
Go to Cloudron Dashboard
Under profile select "Email"
Edit the domain of your choice which in our case is hostedservice.page, where you want to host the mailbox. You'll find it under Domains → Domain → Actions → Edit
Under Email configuration hostedservice.page you'll find Mailboxes
Click on Add and select a name like "james" and assign a cloudron "owner" as the Cloudron dashboard user account who will own the mailbox.
Click on the created mailbox and you will see something like james@hostedservice.page
Go back to SoGO and use the mailbox username james@hostedservice.page and the cloudron user password
You are in. That's all.
Thanks for the help!