The Postgres service is not started (Update 8.3.x)
One of my Cloudron instances is having problems with the update.
Postgres cannot be started.Endless loops of
Mar 28 10:54:58 ==> Initializing database Mar 28 10:54:58 sudo: /etc/sudo.conf is owned by uid 1001, should be 0 Mar 28 10:54:58 sudo: /etc/sudo.conf is owned by uid 1001, should be 0 Mar 28 10:54:58 sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 1001, should be 0 Mar 28 10:54:58 sudo: error initializing audit plugin sudoers_audit Mar 28 10:55:50 ==> Creating new installation Mar 28 10:55:50 ==> Initializing database
Is there a quick solution to this problem?
Hm this sounds quite wrong.
is part of the actual image and should be owned by root (0). It is further readonly.Possibly that docker image on your disk is corrupt?
You can recreate the docker setup with
cloudron-support --recreate-docker
over SSH -
cloudron-support --recreate-docker
solved the problem. -
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