Wekan - Package updates
- Update Wekan to 4.29
- Changed markdown from marked to markdown-it and added emoji support https://github.com/wekan/wekan/wiki/Emoji
- Fix card scrollbar on Windows.
- Try to fix language names.
- Update Wekan to 4.43
- Full changelog
- Allow more than one assignee
- Update Wekan to 4.44
- Changed public board changing Swimlanes/Lists/Calendar view and changing Hide minicard label text from using cookies to using browser localStorage, to remove some errors from browser inspect console.
- Fix: Modern theme board canvas background.
- Fix: Expose moving cards on mobile to workers.
- Fix: Hide the move to another board functionality in the submenu (only from the worker) so that the worker is still constrained to a single board.
- Update Wekan to 4.45
- Full changelog
- Fix can not upload and download files, by changing back to Node.js 12.19.0 and adding fast-render.
- Current file storing to MongoDB code was not yet compatible with newer Node.js.
- Update Wekan to 4.48
- Smaller board icons to All Boards Page, and use full page width, so more board icons fit visible at once.
- Removed variable height, because different heights made it look a little unbalanced.
- Admin Panel / Settings / Layout / Custom Top Left Corner Logo Height.
- When RICHER_CARD_COMMENT_EDITOR=true, use richer editor also when editing card description.
- Removed hot-module-replacement and mdg:meteor-apm-agent.
- Fix Clone Board.
- Update Wekan to 4.54
- Full changelog
- Fix can not upload and download files, by changing back to Node.js 12.19.0 and adding fast-render.