Mattermost - Package Updates
- Update Mattermost to 5.26.1
- Changelog
- Update Mattermost to 5.26.2
- Changelog
- Update Mattermost to 5.27.0
- Changelog
- Update Mattermost to 5.28.0
- Changelog
- Update Mattermost to 5.28.1
- Changelog
- Bring config.json.template up to speed with latest config.json
- Update Mattermost to 5.29.1
- Changelog
- Update Mattermost to 5.30.1
- Changelog
- Update Mattermost to 5.31.0
- Changelog
- Update Mattermost to 5.31.1
- Update base image to version 3
- Fixed an issue where the config.json was sporadically getting reset upon CLI command execution. MM-32234
- Fixed an issue where FeatureFlags section was getting erroneously written to config.json. MM-32389
- Fixed an issue where channels were sometimes removed from custom categories when a user left a team. MM-30314
- Fixed an issue where users were unable to mark Direct Messages in a thread as unread. MM-32253
- Fixed an issue where PermanentDeleteChannel failed with “failed to get a thread” error. MM-31731
- Changelog
- Update Mattermost to 5.32.1
- Update Mattermost to 5.33.3
- Update Mattermost to 5.34.2
Email send test is broken in 5.35 installs. I have reported this upstream -