InvoiceNinja - Package Updates
Invoice Ninja
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.56
- Full changelog
- Import CSV refactor
- Tests for importing Products from csv
- Payment Transformer for CSV imports
- Fixes for blank currency_id in manually created payments
- Admin Portal - Hosted
- CSV Payment import
- Vendor Import
- Expense import
- Fixes for project imports
- Fixes for zero percent line item taxes
- Fixes for allowing a deleted invoice to be marked as sent
- Process reserved keywords in Recurring Expenses
- Add currency conversion column
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.59
- Full changelog
- Fixes for trailing zeros in quantity column
- Show last invoice in previews
- Set defaults for client filter
- Remove customer profile and payment profile if we are not storing token
- Fixes for domain set on password query:
- customer profile
- Extending implementation
- Add client public notes to available variables
- Fixes for bad sort query filter
- Working on importing customers
- Import clients and payment methods via
- Fixes for
- Run time form requests
- Fixes for incorrectly implemented guards
- Fixes for show/hide invitation key
- Clean up for due date days recurring invoices
- Admin Portal - Hosted
- Add back in multiple contact selector
- Add Google Analytics to client portal pages if tracking ID is impleme…
- Zoho Imports
- Freshbooks import
- Fresh Books Import Tests
- Invoice2Go tests
- Invoicely import tests
- Refactor for imports
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.61
- Full changelog
- Minor fixes for quote permissions
- Hide archived payment methods where the gateway has been archived / d…
- Fixes for line spacing
- Performance improvements for client portal
- Admin Portal - Hosted
- Performance improvements for Swoole
- Improve .zip functionality
- Refactor for zip files
- Add in checks for account payments
- Improve Stripe customer importation
- Update composer dependencies to Laravel 8.81
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.62
- Full changelog
- Forward to correct location if modules are disabled
- Translations for dropzone
- Fixes for markdown displaying in client portal
- Add fix for vendor contacts in check data script
- Fixes for SEPA token billing
- Fixes for js formatting
- Allow duplicate Taxes to be created
- Minor fixes for calculations
- Add apple domain verification to stripe config
- Insert Apple Domain Verification into Stripe Gateway config
- Updates for payment currency
- Fixes for payments
- Fixes for tests
- Add unsubscribe landing page for emails
- Add unsubscribe links to emails
- Disable gmail email sending on self hosted if importing from hosted p…
- Refactor for backup update console command
- Fixes for composer
- Fixes for CSV import - ensure clients/vendors have a contact
- Improve quantity resolution
- Fixes for languages
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.66
- Full changelog
- Refactor for bulk downloads
- Admin Portal - Hosted
- Fixes for wave imports
- Forward to correct login location - contacts
- Fixes for plain email template
- Fixes for Stripe SEPA
- Fixes for text emails
- Bump for dependencies
- Fixes for model freshness
- Fixes for WePay authorization failure
- Fixes for backup script
- Minor fixes for backup update
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.67
- Full changelog
- Fixes for migration
- Ensure factories for invoice,quotes,credits have at least todays date…
- Fixes for ACSS payments
- Fixes for eWay
- Checks for company user in check data
- Fixes for entity viewed listener - recurring invoices
- Required fields refactor
- Fixes for required fields
- Fixes for hosted stripe payments
- Move auto bill to +6 UTC
- Slight modification for query of company owner
- Sort order or payment methods
- Adjustments for client balance
- Refactor to use increments
- Refactor to use increments
- Transaction events
- Allow file key for uploads
- Add projects to recurring invoices
- Fixes for balances
- Fixes for required client info
- Transaction logs
- Transaction events
- Fixes for tests
- Update for trial pay - annual discounted plans
- Set x-frame-origin
- Set default send_time for all entities to +6 UTC
- Set default auto bill time to 12:20
- Sort companies by code in client registration page
- Start stop tasks via API
- Fixes for validation on vendors
- Approve quote
- Disable paynow button for ACH payments on submit
- Fixes for importing ACH bank accoun tokens
- Fixes for onboarding migratino
- Update TailWind
- Fixes for exporting projects attached to invoices
- Refactor for trial plan workflow
- Show invoice expense documents
- Add clients and invoices into default templates
- Add gross line total to inclusive item sum calcs
- Fixes for project name
- Fixes for invoice->expenses()
- Fixes for failed migration email
- Fixes for client countries
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.68
- Full changelog
- Fixes for customer translations for contact register page
- Disable transaction events in self hosted
- Fixes for auto bill time scheduling
- Fixes for permissions on list response
- Update InvoiceNinja to 5.3.75
- Full changelog
- Fixes for queues trying to call SQS
- Fixes for contact registration
- Fixes for custom messages in client portal
- Fixes for gocardless
- Fixes for index title
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.77
- Full changelog
- remove ->increment() methods
- Fixes for payment method create
- Fixes for migration validation
- Documentation for listResponse end point
- Improve invoice payment registrations
- Fixes for frequencyforkey
- Improve memory handling for self update
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.78
- Full changelog
- Fixes for custom messages
- Remove domain verification for apple pay
- Improve client paid to date calc
- Remove authorize method for SEPA
- Admin Portal - Hosted
- Fixes for fillable fields for company
- Company Transformer fixes
- Fixes for string to array issues with converting variables in public notes
- Triggered actions for Recurring Expenses
- Fixes for task edge cases
- Improve test coverage for triggered actions
- Add line breaks to messages
- Improve formatting of support messages
- Update company defaults
- Flutter implemented WYSIWYG editor
- Fixes for regression in Handler.php
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.79
- Full changelog
- Protected sub domains
- Add CHF as the symbol as well as code
- Fixes for seeds
- Force integer for client id
- Fixes for api docs
- Fixes for translations corrupting client savings
- Fixes for eWay descriptions
- Admin Portal - Hosted
- Fixes for ledger
- Reduce transaction retries
- Fixes for coercing types for react UI
- Reduce queries for Invoice POST
- Fixes for regression
- Fixes for contact key login
- Localize timezone for payment date
- Entity translations
- Link converted quote to invoice
- Coerce types for authorize payment error
- Handle user not present in completePurchase method of subscriptions
- Fixes for translation of task statuses
- Do not send notifications to archived/deleted users
- Allow draft credits to be used in payments
- Client Reports
- Prevent double gateway fee removal
- Improve invoice number generation when race conditions encountered
- Update client details in Stripe during a transaction