FreshRSS - Package Updates
- Update FreshRSS to 1.16.2
- Full changelog
- Add the possibility to filter by feed IDs #2892
- like f:123 more-search or multiple feed IDs like f:123,234,345 more-search or an exclusion like !f:456,789 more-search
- Show users last activity date #2936
- Ability to follow HTML redirections when retrieving full article content #2985
- Update FreshRSS to 1.17.0
- Full changelog
- New tag management page #3121
- New page to add feeds and categories #3027
- Add a way to disable/enable users #3056
- Fix special characters in user queries #3037
- Hide feed credentials when adding a new feed #3099
- Trim whitespace for feed passwords #3158
- Updated PHPMailer library to 6.1.6 #3024
- Add to the default list of forced HTTPS #3088
- Update FreshRSS to 1.18.0
- Full changelog
- Allow parallel requests #3096 - Much faster manual feeds refresh
- Reload full article content when an article has changed #3506
- New share article link to clipboard #3330
- Improved OPML import of feeds with multiple categories #3286
- Add a content action parameter to work with CSS selector #3453
- New cURL options per feed: proxy, cookie, user-agent #3367, #3494, #3516
- Do not import feeds causing database errors (e.g. due to conflicting HTTP redirections) ##3347
- Update FreshRSS to 1.19.2
- Full Changelog
- Improve dropdown menus on mobile view #4141, #4128
- Fix regression regarding keeping read state after seeing favourites / labels #4178
- Lots of code improvements, including improved support of PHP 8.1
- Update FreshRSS to 1.20.0
- Full Changelog
- New Web scraping feature HTML+XPath for Web pages without any RSS/ATOM feed #4220
- Add support for Dynamic OPML #4407
- New search engine supporting (nested) parentheses, also with negation #4378
- Allow many (50k+) feeds #4347 and other performance improvements
- New option to exclude some DOM elements with a CSS Selector when retrieving an article full content #4501
- New option to automatically mark as read gone articles #4426
- 2 new themes and plenty of UI improvements
- Supported by Fluent Reader Lite client on Android and iOS #4595
- Several bug fixes
- Update FreshRSS to 1.21.1
- Full Changelog
- New XML+XPath mode for fetching XML documents when there is no RSS/ATOM feed #5076
- Better support of feed enclosures (image / audio / video attachments) #4944
- User-defined time-zone #4906
- New CLI script cli/ to help e.g. Apache clear logs for sensitive information such as credentials #5001
- Mark some themes as tentatively deprecated: BlueLagoon, Flat, Screwdriver #4807
- Many UI improvements
- Update FreshRSS to 1.22.0
- Full Changelog
- Rework trusted proxies
- Improve scaling with many feeds and long processes, reduce database locks
- Fix many bugs and regressions
- Improve themes Origine (also with automatic dark mode), Nord, etc.
- Several UI / UX improvements
- New languages Hungarian, Latvian, Persian