Metabase - Package Updates
- Update metabase to 0.43.1
- Full changelog
- Update metabase to 0.43.3
- Full changelog
- Slack setup doesn't work if channels cache was recently cleared (#23251)
- Custom Expression field is not respecting the modal size (#23223)
- Relative filter with a lower "Starting from" period is confusing (#23099)
- Cannot print large dashboards (multi page) (#23098)
- Sync of JSON columns fails in schemas where schema names contains system characters (#23027)
- Sync of fields fails, when table name contains uppercase characters (#23026)
- Preview function in Notebook does not respect the columns selected on base source (#23023)
- Viewing Metadata for a Model and cancelling can result in error, and further in blank screen (#23022)
- Do not offer "Explore results" unless the database supports it (#22822)
- Update metabase to
- Full changelog
- Update metabase to 0.44.0
- Full changelog
- Update metabase to 0.44.1
- Full changelog
- Fix incorrect hash for Advanced fieldvalues (#24740)
- Confusing UX after performing password reset (#24700)
- Changing existing filters in Simple GUI will replace other existing filters (#24664)
- Cannot set caching duration to less than a second (#24657)
- Correct spelling of pulse setting notification-retry-randomizaion-factor (#24653)
- Update Metabase to 0.44.3
- Full changelog
- Slack files channel can be confusing after initial setup (#20936)
- SessionStorage can become filled causing the frontend to throw errors until browser restart (#25312)
- Filters incorrectly showing as linked to all fields on combined charts (#25248)
- First created question not in Saved Questions inside Data Selector until page reload (#25144)
- Cannot change email From-name and Reply-to-address when environment variables are used for other settings (#25057)
- Column filters not working on multi-aggregation (#25016)
- Tooltip periods are not displayed nicely on SQL questions (#25007)
- Can't change filters via 'Show filters' (#24994)
- Bubble size not consistent across multiple series (#24936)
- A hidden Database Sync doesn't allow descriptions for tables or fields to be edited (#24900)
- Newly created Model not an option when creating a new question (#24878)
- Dashboard filter does not show Search widget when trying to workaround other filter issues (#24741)
- Chinese weekdays in calendar widget are incorrect (#22871)
- Field filter linked to Boolean column causes an error when refreshing a public question (#22591)
- Update Metabase to 0.44.4
- Full changelog
- Bump Postgres driver to 42.5.0 (#25544)
- Inform admins if their account is in bad standing (#25161)
- Bump MinaSSHD to 2.9.1 (#25112)
- Envar to disable custom maps / GeoJSON (#19189)
- Metabase Prometheus Exporter (#12377)
- When LDAP is enabled but password login is disabled, login doesn't work (#25661)
- 404 on loading models when instance is configured in another language (#25537)
- Loading spinners in filters don't appear anymore (#25322)
- MYSQL disable JSON unfolding doesn't work (#25068)
- MySQL unfolding of JSON fails for boolean and bigint attributes (#24720)
- Aggregation in Models causes the column name to incorrectly be parsed down to questions based on that Model (#23248)
- Changing filters on Simple question drops anything after first aggregation (#14193)
- Changing filters on Simple question drops aggregated filters (#11957)
- Drill through / underlying records action doesn't respect filters in metric definitions (#6010)
- Update Metabase to 0.44.5
- Full changelog
- Slack request error leads to sensitive authorization token being logged (#25849)
- Synchronized tables that were initially marked as cruft has their initial_sync_status as incomplete (#25291)
- Cannot drill-through "View these ..." when aggregated results are filtered (#13504)
- Update Metabase to 0.44.6
- Full changelog
- Google Sign-in fails because of unannounced change by Google (#26184)
- Load in serialization with --mode update fails on upserts (#26043)
- Between() in custom filter expression switches min and max upon adding new filter (#26025)
- Collection list fails to display if there's an invalid parameter in a question (#25543)
- Inconsistent behavior when sending certain payloads to /permissions/graph (#25221)