Moodle - Package Updates
- Make sendmail optional
- Bump max_input_vars to 5000 as per Moodle's recommendations
- Update Moodle to 3.11.2
- Update Moodle to 3.11.3
- Release notes
- Optional SSO support
- Fix bug where extra auth providers could not be enabled or configured
- Update Moodle to 3.11.4
- Update base image to 3.2.0
- Add htaccess to protect various paths
- Update Moodle to 3.11.5
- Release notes
- MDL-68944 - Workshop skips scheduled allocation
- MDL-69467 - H5P attempts not recorded when multiple users have same email address
- MDL-69496 - mod_quiz: Or all available attempts completed setting value lost
- MDL-68773 - Adhoc tasks for backup and restore are stuck in endless fail delay loop
- MDL-72796 - retry interval in milliseconds for redis session cache is far too high
- MDL-72791 - Custom course field content for new course not found in global search
- MDL-72443 - SVG files do not support the preview mode
- MDL-72716 - You should not be able to add more than one instance of most blocks to your Dashboard
- MDL-72925 - Forum grading separate group filter shows discussion topics in the other groups
- Update Moodle to 4.0.0
- Release notes
- Blog post
- Major UX improvements
- Fix incorrect cron configuration
- Update Moodle to 4.0.2
- Release notes
- MDL-68867 - Group override does not appear on user calendar
- MDL-74632 - Cannot link to image in Atto
- MDL-74752 - Question versioning: regrading does not work for all question types (including multiple choice)
- MDL-69400 - Moodle Core Forum Due Dates not restoring on backup and restore
- MDL-67966 - Error writing to database when adding example submission to Workshop
- MDL-74449 - Error in gradebook with PHP 8.0
- Update Moodle to 4.0.3
- Release notes
- Update Moodle to 4.0.4
- Release notes
- Update Moodle to 4.0.5
- Release notes
- MDL-68437 - Whole forum grading shows suspended students
- MDL-73624 - Chrome cannot download files when the filename in Content-Disposition contains a comma (e.g. quiz report download)
- MDL-74762 - Statistics in the Moodle 4.0 question bank use many DB queries causing performance problems
- MDL-74941 - Cannot edit 3.11 Calculated Multichoice questions in Moodle 4.0
- MDL-27570 - Quiz time limit changes are not reflected in active quiz attempts without page refresh
- MDL-66955 - Slow search in 'Search people and messages'
- Update Moodle to 4.1.0
- Release notes
- Update base image to 4.0.0
- Update Moodle to 4.1.1
- Release notes
- Update Moodle to 4.1.2
- Release notes
- MDL-69690 - Require Assessment Grade for Workshop Activity Completion Blocked
- MDL-66221 - Deleted activities cannot be restored from recycle bin when backup_auto_activities setting is disabled
- MDL-70586 - Feedback: the preview icon shouldn't be displayed for students
- MDL-74756 - Previous activity with completion not working if activity completion is disabled
- Update Moodle to 4.2.0
- Release notes
- Set path to PHP binary
- Update Moodle to 4.2.1
- Release notes
- MDL-75576 - Question bank statistics are fetched inefficiently
- MDL-75623 - Encode pluginfile.php urls in backup
- MDL-73138 - & (ampersand) is displayed as & in group and role names in the participants list filter
- MDL-75552 - is not working because the apiBase in badgeconnect.json is ignored
- MDL-77791 - File search areas for database activity entries need to index using the content id
- MDL-78087 - The H5P Timeline activity is not displayed