Can't edit invoices in Safari 14?
@robi Oh that isn’t really possible / not relevant in this case as I’m already on the beta for the next operating system version of macOS. “Big Sur” is the newest macOS version but is still in beta testing and not out yet but should be any week now as it’s already in beta #9. Basically... this IS the upgrade. Haha.
@Lonk - Ahhh okay yes if @robi meant "downgrade" instead of "upgrade" then that's totally a possibility but not really worth it in my opinion as I can just use Firefox and Chrome for Invoice Ninja, not worth downgrading and losing all the extra benefits of Big Sur, not to me anyways. I've been reporting this issue to Apple for months so hopefully it'll be fixed by them at some point assuming it is indeed an Apple problem.
Interestingly, I tried my Safari instance on the demo of v5 (currently beta) of Invoice Ninja, and it worked well in Safari for me. So hopefully whatever issue I'm having will be resolved soon enough naturally when we fully move to Invoice Ninja v5.
PS - The Invoice Ninja demo for v5 is here:
Doesn't seem like anyone else is having this issue, but for anyone who may come across this in the future, I filed a GitHub issue here upstream: