Grant FTP access to a single app to a simple user
Dear all,
how I can give a FTP access to a single app to a simple user?
I created new user, allowing to control one specific app, but If I set as "user" seems that he cannot access to FTP with and his password...
He need to be administrator, but I don't wont to give admin access to all app. In fact, If I give administrator rule, he can access to specific app FTP but also he can see all apps...
I need only to give only FTP access...
Is it possible to do? How I can do?
Hope my explanation was clear. Thank's!
Edit: Also, another feature I need, is allow that user only to access to a specific folder, and not to root folder.
(eg. only /public/ folder)
If you have granted that user access to the app through the access control setting for the app in the Cloudron dashboard, then also verify that the sftp service is configured to allow non-admins:
More fine-grained, folder based access control is not possible on Cloudron.
If you have granted that user access to the app through the access control setting for the app in the Cloudron dashboard, then also verify that the sftp service is configured to allow non-admins:
More fine-grained, folder based access control is not possible on Cloudron.