App timezone does not match server
The application is installed with a default timezone of UTC even when a different server timezone has been selected in Cloudron settings.
Timezone can be configured in /app/data/env.
List of supported timezones:
Is this intended or a bug?
If the former, it would be useful to add a note/reminder in the first time setup instructions or in the docs.
The application is installed with a default timezone of UTC even when a different server timezone has been selected in Cloudron settings.
Timezone can be configured in /app/data/env.
List of supported timezones:
Is this intended or a bug?
If the former, it would be useful to add a note/reminder in the first time setup instructions or in the docs.
@hakunamatata Right, the timezone of Cloudron is not "synced" with the timezone settings of the app. The Cloudron timezone is only used for the cron jobs like backups, updates etc.
Ideally, Cloudron could setup the apps to have the cloudron timezone as well but it's very complicated because each app has it's own way of setting up the timezone. Maybe some day in the future!