Rocketchat - custom envs on running instance
In docs I found information:
You can set custom environment variables using cloudron env.
How I can set custom envs for RocketChat instance already running?
I see it is possible here: can I define custom ENVs in cloudron dashboard ?
There is currently no UI for setting those as it is more tailored towards using Cloudron as a deployment platform for app developers.
What is the use-case for here? Just to understand what can be set so we can see how to support that in a way we can also test that for updates.
There is currently no UI for setting those as it is more tailored towards using Cloudron as a deployment platform for app developers.
What is the use-case for here? Just to understand what can be set so we can see how to support that in a way we can also test that for updates.
The general architecture is to install apps on our client's request on cloudron and every app is integrated with our app.Example:
Instead of reinventing the wheel and writing chat from scratch we are going to embed chat ( RocketChat or Mastodon, etc ) in our app.
Next phase would be to install custom bots on the same instance of cloudron. In the end we will have X ( 2-10 ) apps installed on cloudron which are integrated and cloudron help us take care about installing, certificates, users management, backup&restore.We have also ability to setup separate cloudron for each client.
I see, however where do the ENV variables come into play specifically for I would assume using some REST API for setting up the integration might be more useful.