Features missing/coming ?
Vikunja looks nice.
But couple of things I want to do, I can't seem to.-
import : there is an import section but it only provides the option of Vikunja Export. Seems a little circular. No CSV or JSON. Can I import tasks ?
duplicate task : I can duplicate a list but I can't seem to duplicate a task. Is there a way to do this ?
custom fields : yep, this might be pushing it, but it would be really nice to have some custom fields. Maybe Labels could address some of this, but I don't think all use cases, otherwise the label list becomes long and unwieldy.
I realise these may be need to be directed upstream to app author, but asking here first in case I am being stupid or blind.
@timconsidine yeah, probably better to ask these upstream.
As others have already said, it's a good idea to bring these discussions in Vikunja's forum. For a quick glance at what's coming, there are the roadmaps for the frontend and api.
@kolaente : sure but this is hardly helpful
Suggest you amend the configure of the forum platform.
3 topics is hardly a suitable maximum for someone reviewing your software.
100 or 50 <joking> or 10 <serious> would be better.Or reduce the waiting time.
Most will have lost interest in 23 hours. -
replied to timconsidine on last edited by
That's actually the default setting for new users on their first day. I've increased the limit.