SnapDrop - Local File Sharing
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Git -
Self Hosting - is also a maintained Docker Image here: to share files quickly and easily on local networks. From what I can tell the server is needed to initiate the connection but it is p2p and from my testing works well. I would like to run it through Cloudron though.
It is a pretty cool way to share files locally similar to airdrop and all it takes is web address to navigate to, no apps needed. I know we have Jirafeau (which I use) but this simplifies the process of quick sharing even further.
We already have this, called File Pizza in the App store. Works on local and public networks.
@robi +1 for File Pizza. It is good technology.
For a CLI (Command Line Interface) alternative, checkout croc: is also Wormhole, which is not quite yet released under a Free licence: -
We already have this, called File Pizza in the App store. Works on local and public networks.
@LoudLemur @robi Nope this is different. I tried to highlight the difference but I guess it was missed. All current solutions on Cloudron require uploading a file and sending a link for someone to get that file. This has its usecase sure (I use Jirafeau instead of file pizza) but this is different as it allows any two devices on the same network to detect eachother and pass messages (for sharing sites or whatever) and files back and forth without ever having to send a link somewhere.
Try it out here if it still isn't clear.
Just open that site on two different devices on the same network.
@LoudLemur @robi Nope this is different. I tried to highlight the difference but I guess it was missed. All current solutions on Cloudron require uploading a file and sending a link for someone to get that file. This has its usecase sure (I use Jirafeau instead of file pizza) but this is different as it allows any two devices on the same network to detect eachother and pass messages (for sharing sites or whatever) and files back and forth without ever having to send a link somewhere.
Try it out here if it still isn't clear.
Just open that site on two different devices on the same network.
@loudlemur Glad you like it! It's been super useful to me as a way to very very quickly drop files and messages (for links mostly) between devices in a seamless way. I'm currently running my own version it on my local network but I'd love to see it hit Cloudron so I can manage it here as well.
@loudlemur Glad you like it! It's been super useful to me as a way to very very quickly drop files and messages (for links mostly) between devices in a seamless way. I'm currently running my own version it on my local network but I'd love to see it hit Cloudron so I can manage it here as well.
@ericdrgn Does it scale well? For example, if several people on the network all want the same file?
@loudlemur Sadly, no. It is a 1:1 deal. So all devices would show up easily enough (I've tested around 8 at once myself. But you don't get a prompt to select your file until you select the device you are passing it to. It would still be quick but you would need to select each device then select the file each time.
@ericdrgn Does it scale well? For example, if several people on the network all want the same file?
@loudlemur But they are actively doing things and so they might take that as a suggestion. I don't see anything relating to that on the github as of yet. But they are currently working on a way to have what are essentially groupings via rooms instead of just devices so that they can allow use cases where local isn't possible. This would allow it to be used via mobile data and with friends not on your network, etc. So they have lots of cool things lined up, the idea for sending a file to multiple devices all at once probably fits right in.
You should try to drop the snapdrop server into the LAMP app for local access.
FAQ for more, including 3rd party apps:
Hi team - found this request and is love to have this on Cloudron. Any chance this could be spun up?