NocoDB - Package Updates
- Update NocoDB to 0.109.2
- Full changelog
- [closed] bug Bug: Delete table error #5934
- [closed] bug Bug: Error when editing tables with foreign keys #5931
- [Status: Reproducible] bug Bug: Single select doesn't work #5926
- [building_construction Status: In Resolution] bug Bug: Not all records returned in row with relations #5906
- [closed] flashlight Feature: sql query as table #5900
- Update NocoDB to 0.109.3
- Full changelog
- [closed] bug Bug: Signup Option still there after deactivating #5976
- [closed] Error on Frontend init (oauth2 client ID) #5971
- [closed] Bug: 0.109.1 -> 0.109.2 : Migration from 0107004 to 0108002 failed #5957
- [closed] Bug: Date picker- auto close modal after date is selected #5949
- [closed] bug Bug: Impossible to input data to a single select column type in form #5939
- [closed] bug Bug: Delete record, undo; links are not re-inserted #5935
- Update NocoDB to 0.109.4
- Full changelog
- fix: prevent undo while editing by @mertmit in #5989
- feat: vertical fill using handle by @mertmit in #5896
- chore: test suite reorg by @dstala in #5997
- General UI/UX - enhancement/bugs by @pranavxc in #5952
- test: enable timezone spec for mysql & pg by @dstala in #6004
- Update - Missing "OutFile" to save the Windows binaries. by @revyte in #5995
- Feat: Links column type by @pranavxc in #5848
- Revert "Feat: Links column type" by @pranavxc in #6011
- fix: use custom useCopy composable for copy by @pranavxc in #6015
- feat: Identify removed/added primary key in meta sync by @pranavxc in #6030
- fix: Avoid generating invalid token after signout by @pranavxc in #6032
- Fixed bug when trying to open a row with a binary encoded uuid as PK by @VictorMinemu in #6017
- Update NocoDB to 0.109.5
- Full changelog
- Bug: In table, my filtered data are changing when the other editor or creator creates a filter #6083
- Bug: Deleting tables/columns fails with "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fk_index_name')" #6063
- Feature: can i combine nocodb with react frontend ? #6056
- How to use API to upload my photos to NocoDB? #6052
- Bug: hiding fields from main table removes attributes from webhook #6047
- Bug: field name 1st letter in Uppercase : no change in certain cases #6041
- Bug: swagger not working #5999
- Bug: NC_CONNECT_TO_EXTERNAL_DB_DISABLED without any function #5987
- Bug: Unable to enter text on form after interacting with single select field #5968
- Bug: Slow Performance since update 0.109.0 #5946
- Bug: Syncing NC_DB metadata removes visibility to all tables from external DB #5944
- Update NocoDB to 0.111.0
- Full changelog
- Group By in Grid View
- Introducing "Links" relational column
- Unified Layout for all DBs
- A New Details Tab for Table
- Bug: while primary key values contain "/" symbol, expand the row to get Record not found banner. #6202
- Bug: Shared view #6201
- Bug: Redo doesn't work on macOS #6200
- What could cause HTTP 431 response to POST ? #6193
- Bug: Cannot import xlsx ods csv tables in Docker (file in a VM-shared folder) #6192
- Bug: API Url mixes between project Id, project name in Swagger, doc ... #6187
- line height cannot be set, and content cannot be wrapped #6183
- Bug: migration issue #6181
- Bug: Hidden tables showing up #6179
- Bug: Disable starred & license options #6176
- Bug: Decimal precision handling with mysql #6172
- Bug: airtable import on sqlite breaks #6166
- Bug: CE / SQLite - filters on link #6165
- Bug: Default grid's activity.filter will affect RESTAPI's data #6142
- Bug: QR Code column type not working when input column is a formula #5963
- Update NocoDB to 0.111.1
- Full changelog
- Bug: Missing scrollbar in shared form and gallery view #6276
- Bug: Easter egg menu for fields is inaccessible #6269
- Bug: Cannot send multiple user invites to a project by separating with a comma #6267
- Bug: Locked view- double click on column header opens add/edit modal #6266
- Bug: Showing Empty could be removed #6264
- Bug: dateTime field, on reload displays GMT #6261
- Bug: Cannot Bulk Delete #6260
- Bug: form field is not changing on tab or press enter #6257
- Bug: Webhook call sending Parameters doesn't work #6246
- Bug: Search doesn't work in Gallery view #6242
- Bug: Login e-mail form field is not autocompleted #6241
- Bug: Upgrading from 0.109.7 to 0.111.0 fails #6233
- Bug: The Role is not super admin, just project's owner cannot change project name, still view old project name #6226
- Bug: Editors cannot use filter groups #6224
- Bug: Shared base UI #6204
- Bug: In Kanban, the time is 8 hours less #6186
- Bug: Sort from column header only works if other sorts are already applied #6119
- Bug: API name of Grid do not change after Duplicate #6038
- Bug: can't sign in on custom URL #5990
- Reopen all open tabs (of tables) #5916
- Bug: Grid view lock is broken #5912
- Bug: UI/UX Tidy - Grid layout : Column header #5908
- Bug: UI/UX Tidy - Grid layout : Cell formatting #5907
- Bug: [Nest] ERROR [i] Missing refresh token #5817
- UX for create project, table & view #5793
- Field Display Order in New Record Modals for Relation Fields #5603
- when creating linked tables, use NLP to name columns correctly #5409
- Bug: Same column sort re-applied using column context menu #5355
- Bug: Cannot Change A Users Role With Postgres Backend #5287
- Bug: the position of "next" and "previous" buttons in forms is confusing for RTL languages #5217
- UX: default value configuration #5013
- Bug: Knex timeout error when importing from Airtable #4650
- Bug: Memory crash when importing large base from Airtable #4649
- Allow to hide Jobs and Promotion boxes #4563
- Batch add selection #4540
- The expanded view should give more information than the cards themselves. #4092
- Feature: Workspaces #3915
- Need to show projects to user to which he was invited or has access only #3871
- add i18n menu for shared view #3461
- one to one relation #3425
- Re-open last open table when selecting project #3230
- Flex instead of tables #3212
- Bug: Hours auto-increment when focusing on datetime cell, without doing any change #3004
- Paste mutliple (100s) of rows at a time into an existing table #2575
- Bug: Export CSV: Not all links exported #2272
- Expanded fillable form for LongText cell #2271
- Improve latest API docs & swagger generated #2015
- Multiple Formula Fields Rendering Time #1879
- More Info Needed] Trying to connect nocodb(docker-compose) to patroni cluster in docker swarm. Error: pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host (ip address from overlay network). #1450
- Nocodb mysql connection timeout #775
- URL abstract type should support URI schemes #469
- Update NocoDB to 0.111.2
- Full changelog
- fix(nc-gui): fix search reset on view toggle by @reenphygeorge in #6292
- fix: code cleanup and UI bug fixes by @mertmit in #6307
- fix(nc-gui): expand icon made visible on click by @reenphygeorge in #6286
- Fixed view scroll not coming and auto scroll on active view by @mustafapc19 in #6317
- fix: warnings in ui by @mertmit in #6314
- fix: Add upgrader for creating missing LTAR index in metadb projects by @pranavxc in #6311
- fix: acl for cache apis by @mertmit in #6319
- Fix : Broken UI ACL by @pranavxc in #6318
- Update NocoDB to 0.111.4
- Full changelog
- fix: Exclude any unnecessary props from app version JSON store value by @pranavxc in #6348
- fix: Project invite logic correction by @pranavxc in #6347
- fix: Missing Links column in swagger child api path param list by @pranavxc in #6349
- Update NocoDB to 0.202.4
- Full changelog
- Multi-field Editor, Unified Sidebar, Responsive views & Simplified APIs
- New Integrated Shortcuts
- New Simplified Data APIs
- Update NocoDB to 0.202.8
- Full changelog
- Bug: error when filtering by lookup field that is Link in the parent table. #7027
- Bug: API V2 Update API /rowid is missing #7021
- Bug: Api linked fields duplicated #7020
- Bug: Import excel throw 42701 Error #6998
- Bug: Uniform error in API v2 #6986
- Bug: import file content title not support unicode eg.(Chinese) #6959
- Runtime directive used on component with non-element root node. The directives will not function as intended. #6952
- Bug: multi fields editor, field type icons displayed are incorrect #6946
- Update NocoDB to 0.202.10
- Full changelog
- chore(renovate): Update dependency @nuxt/image-edge to v1.1.0-28355789.b3279fe by @renovate in #7127
- docs: formula expansion as md sections by @dstala in #7116
- fix : added tooltip for column fields by @musharaf-nocodb in #7114
- fix: various leftover stuff by @mertmit in #7140
- fix: deprecate title length validator and use title on import editor by @mertmit in #7092
- fix: group by has many bt part by @mertmit in #7146
- fix: Added new join cloud btn by @dstala in #7072
- feat: display as progress by @mertmit in #7138
- fix: Extract api token roles by @pranavxc in #7169
- fix: filter mimetypes to preview in browser by @mertmit in #7162
- fix: use getSchema instead of validate for ajv by @mertmit in #7160
- fix: leftover issue with alternative clients by @mertmit in #7164
- fix: Missing values in LTAR columns by @pranavxc in #7161
- fix(nc-gui): non-image attachments in shared form by @wingkwong in #7177
- fix: while validating options check for option with wrapped in single quotes by @pranavxc in #7170
- fix : fixed column syncing in useViewColumnsOrThrow hook by @musharaf-nocodb in #7168
- fix : added showOnTruncateOnly prop in tooltip component by @musharaf-nocodb in #7163
- Fix: Misc minor design changes by @rameshmane7218 in #7148
- Nc fix/rich text followup by @dstala in #7175
- fix: Nested data apis(v2) permission issue by @pranavxc in #7179
- feat: support yyyy-mm in Datepicker by @wingkwong in #6870
- enhancement: rollup by @wingkwong in #6853
- fix: exact date filter not working on datetime by @DarkPhoenix2704 in #7189
- fix: Load userList only if allowed by @pranavxc in #7194
- fix: Ignore throwing error in upgrader if error is index already exist by @pranavxc in #7195
- fix: Escape single quote properly and when updating single select default value by @pranavxc in #7197
- feat: paste option in cell right click context menu by @rameshmane7218 in #7207
- fix: UI/UX fixes #7156 by @rameshmane7218 in #7173
- fix(nc-gui): add missing kanban clbk in expanded form by @wingkwong in #7200
- fix: rename ncProjectId to ncBaseId by @mertmit in #7213
- fix: Avoid setting default value(LTAR/Links) when adding new row in grouped by table by @pranavxc in #7208
- Fix/dropdown UI by @musharaf-nocodb in #7181
- Update NocoDB to 0.203.0
- Full changelog
- User fields
- RichText fields
- More formula functions supported
- Use of rollup within formula is now supported
- Use of formula results to build another formula is now enhanced
- Webhook update trigger (conditional)
- Update NocoDB to 0.203.2
- Full changelog
- Use different name for upload artifact to avoid conflict by @pranavxc in #7310
- Merge pull request #7310 from nocodb/develop by @pranavxc in #7311
- fix: shared form user field by @mertmit in #7316
- New Crowdin updates by @o1lab in #7319
- fix: strike and underline for rich text by @dstala in #7320
- fix: select default user playwright test fail issue by @rameshmane7218 in #7326
- Fix/expanded record ux by @rameshmane7218 in #7298
- fix: Formula validation correction by @pranavxc in #7329
- fix: Broken logo in Signin/Signup page by @pranavxc in #7333
- fix: Use withDefaults for setting default prop value by @pranavxc in #7335