Setting the image size and markdown plugin
Hi, I just have a question about the image sizer plugin. Is it possible to somehow adjust the size of the uploaded image? I've installed the plugin nodebb-plugin-image-sizer-forum, but it doesn't work. If I used suffix @50% (or other examples), no image is shown.
And the second question. I have installed the markdown plugin, but any change of the configuration by the configuration window and pressing save button doesn't work. The save button doesn't save the changed settings, nothing happen and the configuration is still same.
@archos I think this question might be better suited for the upstream forum - . It's quite active there as well.
@archos Also, nodebb has built-in markdown support. Why do you need a plugin ? (just curious, maybe I should install something on this forum too...).
As for the image size, we configure things a bit in Settings -> Uploads in the admin UI. We used a image size plugin in the past, but as with plugins, they keep breaking, so we removed it.
@girish Hey, thanks for the answer. I finally uninstalled the image size plugin. In the settings as you wrote, everything is sufficient. I was looking the wrong way. I left the markdown support built in. I guess the less plugins the better. Thank you.