Change Detection - Package Updates
Change Detection
G girish pinned this topic on
- Update Changedetection to 0.42
- Full changelog
- Initial pip build test by @dgtlmoon in #1488
- Restock monitor - identify the cases where the product is also definitely in stock by @dgtlmoon in #1489
- Re #1503 - Send test notification should use system defaults for body and title if not set in watch by @dgtlmoon in #1547
- Order by created time by default by @dgtlmoon in #1519
- UI - Set selected watches as 'viewed' by @dgtlmoon in #1550
- Adding pagination by @dgtlmoon in #1549
- Html fixes by @dgtlmoon in #1551
- Html fixes by @dgtlmoon in #1553
- Fix back navigation by @Shraymonks in #1556
- Use builtin node puppeteer handler browserless by @dgtlmoon in #1559
- Use builtin node puppeteer handler browserless by @dgtlmoon in #1561
- Puppeteer fetcher, adding disk cache and other fixes by @dgtlmoon in #1563
- Puppeteer fixes by @dgtlmoon in #1564
- Update Changedetection to 0.42.2
- Full changelog
- Puppeteer experimental fetcher wasnt returning the status-code by @dgtlmoon in #1585
- Restock detection - Better report when it fails by @dgtlmoon in #1584
- Basic headers fetch from file by @dgtlmoon in #1590
- Update Changedetection to 0.42.3
- Full changelog
- Update by @willv in #1594
- Update "filter not found message" to be more explanatory by @dgtlmoon in #1602
- Sometimes the JSON and other functionality never caught the header, always compare against lowercased headers by @dgtlmoon in #1604
- Update Changedetection to 0.43
- Full changelog
- Adding test for search by @dgtlmoon in #1626
- Docker container updates - use specific debian version by @keizie in #1630
- Fix dark mode toggle by @Shraymonks in #1629
- Basic tag/group handling with filters+notifications by @dgtlmoon in #1610
- UI - Watch Table - Clicking anywhere on the watch list row table also activates the operations buttons and checkbox
- Update Changedetection to 0.44.0
- Full changelog
- Helper button to trigger a scan/access test of all proxies for a particular watch by @dgtlmoon in #1685
- Previous error that is no longer valid was not being cleared by @dgtlmoon in #1687
- Proxy scan improvements - handle custom proxies, dont restart when a scan is already running by @dgtlmoon in #1689
- fix build errors by @dgtlmoon in #1694
- apprise 1.4.5 by @dgtlmoon in #1682
- Update Changedetection to 0.44.2
- Full changelog
- Updating URL validation library by @dgtlmoon in
- Ability to highlight text and have it offered as a ignore-text option by @dgtlmoon in
- Update Changedetection to 0.45.1
- Full changelog
- Fix typo in by @eltociear in
- Fix RSS link containing base_url twice by @dgtlmoon in
- Oxylabs recommendation by @dgtlmoon in
- Fix - Regular Expression text in ignore and trigger were not processing correctly, also refactored for lower CPU usage
- Fixes UI missing buttons
- Update Changedetection to 0.45.2
- Full changelog
- Feature - Add 'diff_patch' notification body token by @myhro in #1765
- Update Apprise 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0 by @dgtlmoon in #1777
- Adding "No proxy" option by @dgtlmoon in #1778
- Date created was missing on add, could cause crash by @dgtlmoon in #1787
- Fix "recheck all" button by @dgtlmoon in #1793
- Improved test - UTF8 URLs in backup by @dgtlmoon in #1807
- Update Changedetection to 0.45.3
- Full changelog
- Extra validation/error reporting for Jinja2 tempaltes by @dgtlmoon in
- Dont set user agent default if none is set by @dgtlmoon in
- Upgrade test workflows actions to latest versions by @marceloalencar in
- Be more helpful when a filter contains no text by @dgtlmoon in
- Regex tidyup for Python 3.11 and deprecation warnings since 3.6 by @dgtlmoon in
- Dockerfile/fix: Update builder and runner to Python 3.11 by @Constantin1489 in
- 1833 - LD JSON Properly handle lists of product type by @dgtlmoon in