Trouble enabling File Transfer on RDP.
After many hours of troubleshooting I'm calling in the big guns, you guys. I just recently completed a Guacamole deployment on Cloudron, running on a VM hosted behind my local home router.
Everything is working well, but I can't seem to figure out how to enable File Transfers through RDP. I have enabled the Drive, Named it, and given it a Drive Path within the Device Redirection settings for that connection in Guacamole.
When I attempt to upload/download a file to the RDP'd machine I get this error message:
You do not have permission to upload this file. If you require access, please check your system settings, or check with your system administrator.
I've attached an screengrab for good measure. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
N nebulon marked this topic as a question on
We got another support ticket for this. Unfortunately I do not have much knowledge about guacamole and RDP or windows, and also not what the file transfer in this context really means.
Potentially the app relays some files or stores on the guacamole side and the package maybe misses a configuration or symlink from read-only fs to /app/data to put files?