Read-Only file system
Hello Everyone,
Was wondering, I'm trying to add a custom bridge by adding a php file into the folder 'bridges'.
But as soon as I start to write to that directory it is complaining about a read-only fs.I then thought, fine, Ill go into recovery mode and adding stuff.
But as soon as you exit out of recovery, the changes that are being made are gone?Am I missing something?
touch: cannot touch 'bridges/TweakersBridge.php': Read-only file system
Hello Everyone,
Was wondering, I'm trying to add a custom bridge by adding a php file into the folder 'bridges'.
But as soon as I start to write to that directory it is complaining about a read-only fs.I then thought, fine, Ill go into recovery mode and adding stuff.
But as soon as you exit out of recovery, the changes that are being made are gone?Am I missing something?
touch: cannot touch 'bridges/TweakersBridge.php': Read-only file system
@randyjc Cloudron's Apps Filesystem is read-only. It can only be changed during packaging, before installation in an instance. Only /app/data, /run and /tmp can be written by the App (or by the user). What App are you trying to add this file, too?
Im trying to add my own bridge inside the /app/code/bridges folder.
But after reading your reply, I read that is not possible.My goal for rss-bridge is to create custom feeds for my freshrss instance.
I just installed the App to check myself and as the folder for the custom bridge is not available in /app/data there is not much you can do. Maybe this could be changed in the package for the future.
Ah right thanks for helping
I also see, that there is already an topic about this. bad..