2fa failing
When I wanted to log in today to my pixelfed account I was asked to enter a tf2 code, so I used my cloudron tf2 code, but it keeps telling me it failed. I currently have no clue how to access my accounts, is there some way how I can access the database with something like phpmyadmin?
R RazielKanos marked this topic as a question on
Pixelfed is not integrated with Cloudron user-management so this is unrelated to Cloudron 2fa altogether.
To get access to the database you can use the webterminal https://docs.cloudron.io/apps/#web-terminal and there is a button to inject mysql connection details for the mysql commandline interface.
You may also see what pixelfed cli tool (php artisan) has as commands to maybe disable 2fa for individual users. Try to run:
sudo -u www-data php artisan --help
I was able to disable by doing something like this in the web terminal:
# mysql --user=${CLOUDRON_MYSQL_USERNAME} --password=${CLOUDRON_MYSQL_PASSWORD} --host=${CLOUDRON_MYSQL_HOST} ${CLOUDRON_MYSQL_DATABASE} -e "UPDATE users SET 2fa_enabled=0 WHERE email='test@cloudron.io'"
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Luckily i had a running instance on my old notebook, so i could recreate everything and give it it's own bitwarden info