@girish Hi there,
Thank you very much! Can confirm it too! Everything looks much, much better and the login also works in Super_Admin!
If you resize the browser window, press Ctrl+D to start a new session with the current size.
root@807d143a-f55cc2ef4804:/app/code# export POSTGRES_DATABASE="${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_DATABASE}"
root@807d143a-f55cc2ef4804:/app/code# export POSTGRES_USERNAME="${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_USERNAME}"
root@807d143a-f55cc2ef4804:/app/code# export POSTGRES_PASSWORD="${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD}"
root@807d143a-f55cc2ef4804:/app/code# export POSTGRES_HOST="${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_HOST}"
root@807d143a-f55cc2ef4804:/app/code# export POSTGRES_PORT="${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_PORT}"
root@807d143a-f55cc2ef4804:/app/code# RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails c
[12/17/21 09:41:06 +0000 807d143a-f55cc2ef4804 (111)] INFO : No configuration file loaded, and no configuration found in ENV. For assistance configuring Scout, visit https://docs.scoutapm.com/#ruby-configuration-options
[12/17/21 09:41:06 +0000 807d143a-f55cc2ef4804 (111)] INFO : Scout Agent [4.1.2] Initialized
[12/17/21 09:41:06 +0000 807d143a-f55cc2ef4804 (111)] INFO : Not Loading Instruments
[12/17/21 09:41:06 +0000 807d143a-f55cc2ef4804 (111)] INFO : Scout Agent [4.1.2] Installed
[12/17/21 09:41:06 +0000 807d143a-f55cc2ef4804 (111)] INFO : Monitoring isn't enabled for the [production] environment.
[12/17/21 09:41:06 +0000 807d143a-f55cc2ef4804 (111)] INFO : Agent attempting to load in interactive mode.
[12/17/21 09:41:06 +0000 807d143a-f55cc2ef4804 (111)] INFO : Deferring agent start. Standing by for first request
W, [2021-12-17T09:41:07.947941 #111] WARN -- : Creating scope :open. Overwriting existing method Conversation.open.
Loading production environment (Rails
irb(main):001:0> s = SuperAdmin.create!(email: "E_MAIL_ADRESSE", password: PASSWORD")
=> #<SuperAdmin id: 1, email: "E_MAIL_ADRESSE", created_at: "2021-12-17 09:41:39.296219000 +0000", updated_at: "2021-12-17 09:41:39.296219000 +0000">
irb(main):002:0> quit