Hi @nebulon great to see you here.
Ideally you will want to have two container images, one for each edition, because the software packages are different. An alternative could be to provision a special license for Cloudron from which you can build the image and make it available only for your network. I could also provide a private container registry and let the user deal with licensing directly from us, but to move in that direction I need to see some traction first.
Unless you are up to deal with the app layer persistence in which case the process can be made directly from the Chevereto dashboard. For non-docker based provisioning the user can enter the key directly and the system will download and extract the Pro edition filesystem:

I can workaround a lot here, I'm the factory after all.
For basic LAMP there's no special requirements, you require a bunch of libs (imagick, ffmpeg, etc) and from there is just bind the website to the public path. To learn about the HTTP server requirements you can check from line 6: https://github.com/chevereto/docker/blob/4.1/Dockerfile#L6
Perhaps for video uploading you will require to increase the post limits, the usual stuff.