I remove the user from the group and add the user again to the group.
Shared mailboxes/groups loose user-passwords -
Shared mailboxes/groups loose user-passwordsHello
We have groups with about 6 users and shared mailboxes for this groups (i.e. sales@...).
Not all users could access the shared-mailbox because the system "looses" passwords from the users. If I reconnect and connect again the user to the group, this user has again access but other users loose the access to the shared-mailbox.
New Cloudron-installation with all updates installed.
Could not pull cloudron/base@nebulon
Thanks, corrected by hosting company, now it worked fine. -
Could not pull cloudron/baseI get following error (Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04, with/without apt update/upgrade before installation):
Error response from daemon: Get "https://registry.ipv6.docker.com/v2/": dial tcp [2600:1f18:2148:bc01:c4:4967:28eb:1824]:443: connect: no route to host
2022-10-10T17:47:43 ==> installer: Could not pull cloudron/base:3.2.0@sha256:ba1 d566164a67c266782545ea9809dc611c4152e27686fd14060332dd88263ea