The cronjob is indeed specified in the package manifest. Can you see if you can the job successfully via the cron button in the webterminal into the app?
@2TonWaffle said in Using Object Storage Seems To Break Site:
Found the issue in that it was a simple typo that was messing everything up.
This is so often the case when configuring object storage! Either that or an https:// where it should or shouldn't be.
@3246 said in Castopod unable to change admin password:
copying my super secure password from my password safe to the two fields
That's your problem right there
@3246 said in Castopod unable to change admin password:
What gives?
You put the old password in the first field and the new password in the second (as it is indeed labelled):
[image: 1701463694843-4c3c9fc1-a460-4b92-8750-019b30b234bc-image.png]
This is fixed now with latest package. Most likely you have to install the app fresh, as some config files have changed and since this is still unstable there is no config file migration path implemented.