What's Password Criteria For Encryption Password On Backup Feature?
Hi, I would like to know about the password criteria for encryption passwords on the Cloudron backup feature.
Is it okay to use complex passwords like a combination of numbers, symbols, and Alphabet? Is it okay to use characters that are more than 30-100?
Thank you
Regards -
Currently the only checked restriction is, that it must be > eight characters https://git.cloudron.io/platform/box/-/blob/master/src/backups.js?ref_type=heads#L352
The password is then used to derive encryptions keys at https://git.cloudron.io/platform/box/-/blob/master/src/backups.js?ref_type=heads#L104
This means the caveats outlined by nodejs docs will apply also to Cloudron https://nodejs.org/api/crypto.html#using-strings-as-inputs-to-cryptographic-apis