OpenCloud - Secure, Simple & Reliable File Sharing
- Title: OpenCloud - Secure, Simple & Reliable File Sharing
- Main Page:
- Git:
- Licence: Apache-2.0
- Docker: Yes
- Demo:
- Summary:
OpenCloud is an open‐source, self‐hosted file sharing solution that provides a secure and private way to store, access, and share files. Its backend is developed in Go while the web interface is built with Vue.js and TypeScript. Designed for both small deployments (even on a Raspberry Pi) and scalable to data centers, it supports collaboration features such as real‑time file sharing, flexible access controls, and various protocols (WebDAV, gRPC, OIDC, etc.).
- Notes:
I like OpenCloud for its focus on simplicity, data privacy, and its modular microservices architecture that minimizes maintenance efforts. One potential concern is that its rolling release (v1.0.0 Rolling) may require additional evaluation before deploying in production environments.
- Alternative to / Libhunt link:
- Screenshots:
Nice its from CEO of