Cloudron 5.4 released
We released Cloudron 5.4 for all now. See the blog for screenshots and more info.
- Dark Mode
- File Manager
- Mandatory 2FA
- Lock user profiles
- Backblaze B2
- Univention Directory integration
- Ping capability for apps like Statping
- Update nginx to 1.18 for various security fixes
- Hide nginx version
- Fix bug where aliases were displayed incorrectly in SOGo
- Bump max_connection for postgres addon to 200
- The mailbox and the mailing list views now have pagination and search support.
- Add note that password reset and invite links expire in 24 hours
- AMI (aws marketplace image): fix regression where we didn't send provider as part of get status call
wrote on Jul 23, 2020, 3:35 PM last edited by
Great stuff.
I think in this paragraph:
For those unaware, Cloudron is a platform that makes it easy to run web apps like WordPress, Nextcloud, GitLab on your server and keep them up-to-date and secure.
You should add a link to
I'd just make it say "dozens of open source web apps" where it says "web apps like WordPress, Nextcloud, GitLab"
@jdaviescoates Good point, will polish it a bit for the next release post. Was just name dropping those specific apps since they are quite popular
wrote on Jul 23, 2020, 4:15 PM last edited by
Maybe: "dozens of open source web apps, including WordPress, Ghost, Nextcloud & GitLab"
Just my 2-cents. Ghost chat, searches and interest I can see blowing up on Twitter, hence including that.
Always happy to help with any proofreading if it helps the cause.
@jdaviescoates Good point, will polish it a bit for the next release post. Was just name dropping those specific apps since they are quite popular
wrote on Jul 23, 2020, 4:54 PM last edited by@girish I think the main thing is it ought to link through to the app store so people can see all the apps on offer.
@girish I think the main thing is it ought to link through to the app store so people can see all the apps on offer.
wrote on Jul 23, 2020, 5:01 PM last edited by@jdaviescoates agreed, was being lazy in my markdown
wrote on Jul 23, 2020, 6:52 PM last edited by
How about a dynamic total of apps in the Store (minus unstables)? --- currently = 84