Hide/Mask IP Address
How I can hide or Mask server IP address when Tiny Tiny app retrieve new feeds from remote websites?
I hope this question is clear and not duplicated.
Thank's a lot
I think unless your server is behind a VPN, there is no way at the network level for a server to mask the IP address. I could be wrong though.
Maybe you can check in the TTRSS forums but afaik this is not something Cloudron can do on it's own. Some additional service is required to provide this IP. For example, I see an article from 2015 about this - https://binfalse.de/2015/05/06/ttrss-with-proxy/ . This requires you to setup a squid proxy somewhere. Most likely that won't work anymore (since that post is 5 years old) but it will give you some hints on maybe how this can be done.
Not sure it would help your need but if using Cloudflare for DNS you can set your TTRSS A record to use their proxy. Difficult know know what to suggest other than a VPN without knowing the reasons.
@marcusquinn Cloudflare will proxy inbound connections but I think @p44 wants to proxy the outbound connections that TTRSS makes i.e it polls the feed via a cron job. So, the IP address of the server will be exposed.
@marcusquinn Cloudflare will proxy inbound connections but I think @p44 wants to proxy the outbound connections that TTRSS makes i.e it polls the feed via a cron job. So, the IP address of the server will be exposed.
@girish Sure - I was thinking that if proxying was used on inbound DNS then it would at least not return anything interesting to anyone checking the outbound IP being logged?
@Lonk said in Hide/Mask IP Address:
@p44 I'm discussing a potential solution for you on this issue with @girish and @nebulon in a different thread. I'll update you on this thread if we work it out.
Thank's a lot @Lonk, I'll go to check!