playSMS — Free and Open Source SMS Gateway
A flexible Web-based mobile portal system that it can be made to fit to various services such as an SMS gateway, bulk SMS provider, personal messaging system, corporate and group communication tools
There’s a maintained Dockerfile already.
Feature Highlights (brace yourself!)
- Multiple database engine supported (through PHP PEAR DB, included in this package)
- Send SMS to single mobile phone
- Send SMS broadcasted to a group of mobile phones, or SMS bulk
- Support sending text, flash and unicode messages
- Capable of handling large amount of SMS
- Receive private SMS to Inbox and forward it to email (mobile2web) and user’s mobile phone
- Forward single SMS from mobile to a group of mobile phones
- Provides SMS to email and email to SMS by polling mailbox
- SMS autoreply, for easy autoreplying formatted incoming SMS
- SMS board, forward received SMS to email, export output in JSON and a few other formats
- SMS command, execute server side shell script using SMS
- SMS custom, forward incoming SMS to custom apps, locally or hosted on external URL
- SMS poll, manage polling system using SMS, export output in graph, JSON and other formats
- SMS quiz, serve quizzes on SMS
- SMS subscribe, manage user subscribes to a service using SMS
- SMS sync to utilize SMSSync app
- Blacklist, stoplist and firewall plugin for SMS services protections
- Create your own features, tools, themes and gateway modules as a plugin
- Supports software gateway such as Gammu, Jasmin, Kannel and SMS Server Tools 3
- Supports bulk SMS providers such as Nexmo, Twilio and other SMS service providers
- Supports many other bulk SMS providers using Generic gateway plugin
- Supports sending/receiving SMS via another playSMS using Planet or Uplink gateway plugin
- Supports simulation gateway for testing incoming and outgoing SMS
- Supports multiple active SMSC
- Route outgoing SMS by prefix
- Route outgoing SMS per user
- Webservices for sending SMS, retrieving delivery reports, checking credits and more
- Long SMS support, length of text is configurable
- Rate SMS by destination prefix
- SMS credit system per user
- Multiple SMSC activated and routable
- Timezone settings
- Multi-language user interface (English, French, Bahasa Indonesia, Russian and a few others)
- Easily add new language for user interface
- Web-based interface
- Android app for playSMS is available, with source codes
- Multi-domain from single playSMS installation with site branding for reseller supports
hey, can you help with installation playsms on my vps with android integrations?
hey, can you help with installation playsms on my vps with android integrations?
@kogtuowski It’s not yet available as a Cloudron app.
We use at the mo - but would be interested and help test PlaySMS if it were comparable.