Make documents viewable and commentable by public
I've been hunting in the settings and plugins to achieve the following:
Ideal scenario: I can share a document which is accessible publically (i.e. without a cloudron account) and someone can comment on it (when the commenting plugin has been added.
Less ideal scenario: I can share a document which is accessible publically (i.e. without a cloudron account).
Are either of these achievable?
I've been reading the documentation and can find only how to make creation and editing of documents public, which is not what I want to do.
I'm unsure if this is core Etherpad functionality.
I think CodiMD does that?
Hi Marcus,
I was previously using codimd, and I switched to etherpad. Codimd allows anyone to edit a note, but not comment. What I am looking for is specifically to give the ability to comment, but not edit.I think I'll have to look again at codimd to see if I can achieve what I want.
Gotchya. We do something similar with Wordpress and the Editus plugin for our documentation, although it's still in limbo from the Confluence legacy before all these super shiny FOSS apps outclassed Atlassian.
Not tried it yet but maybe Collabora or Nextcloud Text?
I get the impression most public docs doing this are using GitHub and MKDocs or similar with Issues and Merge Request comment threads, although admittedly that's not for your average person.