NameSilo support for DNS
Thanks to @Lonk for making me aware of - seems it'll save us 30-50% on all our domain renewals transferring from / / etc. Discussed more in this thread:
We're mostly using Cloudflare & Route53 still for DNS, and I like that its decoupled from registration but I can see it being handy for Cloudron to support DNS as well, for those that may also spot this cost-saving on domain registration and renewal costs and not want the extra step of separate DNS provider.
Lastly, their current deal on transfers-in is for an extra year's renewal free:
And a little more discount if you pay with top-ups (passing on the card processing cost-savings I guess):
@Lonk anything to add or suggest for this?
Thanks for the post Marcus!
@humptydumpty In reality I'll probably just end up buying more domains, telling myself they're even cheaper now
@marcusquinn I was thinking the same thing. I want to get one for my gaming buddies and probably host a teamspeak server on it or something haha
@humptydumpty and worth knowing about too for similar cheapness.
@marcusquinn Thanks, I'll check them out. I just finished transferring some domains from Enom and Namecheap. I have to say, NameSilo's website(s) aren't the most user friendly, especially the domain transfer page. Depending on where you access your account from and which service page you want to go to, you'll be redirected to a clunky look from the 2000's. ( The "modern" account homepage has a different url ( but isn't linked to the main menu on
@humptydumpty Yeah, noted but I'm looking past that to pricing and decent API.
I guess you can see the updated UI direction they are going but just are in that phase of modernisation.
We have a few hundred domains to manage, so it's probably a good £3k+ a year on the table to save from optimising provider choice.
Ultimately, if it works, there's no performance differences with registrar choice, just DNS & SSL services, for which I use Cloudflare (free tier) and SSL2BUY if that helps.
@marcusquinn I know. I just mentioned it for the giggles. My needs are pretty simple but the extra year offer made it worth the hassle of switching them over. I estimated about $30 per year savings (without the extra year offer). I just didn't expect a registrar to be THAT behind and I thought Enom was outdated, lol.
I like their new look a lot with one exception. If you log into the new account area, at the top left there's an ad for cheap hosting. It's extremely annoying to have it there and I feel like it's blocking my menu so I keep trying to scroll to get rid of it.
But like you said, if it works then that's all that matters. I have DNSMadeEasy for my DNS needs so I won't be logging into NameSilo more than once a year to top up the account.
It's a great find and thanks again for sharing them.
Edit: It just occurred to me, you should have posted your referral link (assuming they have such a thing, haven't checked).
@humptydumpty Not got a referral link and I tend to avoid using them on forums and tweets etc as I want to make sure my pointers are untainted but maybe an idea to load up the profile text with them for people that want to use them as a free beer sharing.
I have a few referral links on my website for those that might find but then I still need to do a bit more work on the declaration text part of that. The new Ghost snippets feature will make that and other common text a lot easier to do as time goes by.
I'm my own worst critic for writing though, so like to write and review several times over a long time period before I make something a standard text I'm happy with. Damn, this time-saving internet technology lark doesn't half take a lot of time!