Restoring backups not working - stuck on Restoring
Maybe I'm just not waiting long enough for the restore to finish?
I got tired of waiting and so went and tried to restore the next oldest backup:
May 11 23:04:19 box:settings initCache: pre-load settings May 11 23:04:19 box:taskworker Starting task 8146. Logs are at /home/yellowtent/platformdata/logs/62102342-80df-4ed9-9c39-b5d86b80ec13/apptask.log May 11 23:04:19 box:apptask run: startTask installationState: pending_restore runState: running May 11 23:04:19 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":10,"message":"Cleaning up old install"} May 11 23:04:19 box:shell reload spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ nginx May 11 23:04:20 box:apptask deleteContainer: deleting app containers (app, scheduler) May 11 23:04:20 box:shell removeCollectdProfile spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ remove 62102342-80df-4ed9-9c39-b5d86b80ec13 May 11 23:04:20 box:shell removeCollectdProfile (stdout): Restarting collectd May 11 23:04:20 box:shell removeCollectdProfile (stdout): Removing collectd stats of 62102342-80df-4ed9-9c39-b5d86b80ec13 May 11 23:04:20 box:shell removeLogrotateConfig spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ remove 62102342-80df-4ed9-9c39-b5d86b80ec13 May 11 23:04:20 Exiting on signal: TERMINATED May 11 23:04:21 May 11 23:04:21 box:services teardownAddons: Tearing down [] May 11 23:04:21 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":20,"message":"Downloading icon"} May 11 23:04:21 box:apptask downloadIcon: Downloading icon of io.minio.cloudronapp@1.165.0 May 11 23:04:22 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":40,"message":"Downloading image"} May 11 23:04:22 box:docker downloadImage cloudron/io.minio.cloudronapp:20210623-170632-719620233 May 11 23:04:22 box:docker downloadImage: pulling image. attempt 1 May 11 23:04:22 box:docker pullImage: will pull cloudron/io.minio.cloudronapp:20210623-170632-719620233. auth: no May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Pulling from cloudron/io.minio.cloudronapp","id":"20210623-170632-719620233"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"83ee3a23efb7"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"db98fc6f11f0"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"f611acd52c6c"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"dcded93e417d"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"87b63eef5647"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"006937d76cc6"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"8dab9e9d2594"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"2d86b342da5c"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"3bced370dd4c"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"038d1280ed6d"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"71963bcc2a55"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"62a3a16fcb86"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"f6927aea9342"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Already exists","progressDetail":{},"id":"88a76cf7025c"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Pulling fs layer","progressDetail":{},"id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Pulling fs layer","progressDetail":{},"id":"a16631bc6f4e"} May 11 23:04:24 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Pulling fs layer","progressDetail":{},"id":"a124cda54c5a"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":664,"total":664},"progress":"[==================================================>] 664B/664B","id":"a16631bc6f4e"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Download complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"a16631bc6f4e"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":671,"total":774},"progress":"[===========================================> ] 671B/774B","id":"a124cda54c5a"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":774,"total":774},"progress":"[==================================================>] 774B/774B","id":"a124cda54c5a"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Verifying Checksum","progressDetail":{},"id":"a124cda54c5a"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Download complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"a124cda54c5a"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":187740,"total":18430047},"progress":"[> ] 187.7kB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":5353971,"total":18430047},"progress":"[==============> ] 5.354MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":9933299,"total":18430047},"progress":"[==========================> ] 9.933MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":14152179,"total":18430047},"progress":"[======================================> ] 14.15MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":16441843,"total":18430047},"progress":"[============================================> ] 16.44MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Verifying Checksum","progressDetail":{},"id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Download complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":196608,"total":18430047},"progress":"[> ] 196.6kB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":1572864,"total":18430047},"progress":"[====> ] 1.573MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:25 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":2752512,"total":18430047},"progress":"[=======> ] 2.753MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:26 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":4325376,"total":18430047},"progress":"[===========> ] 4.325MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:26 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":5701632,"total":18430047},"progress":"[===============> ] 5.702MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:26 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":7274496,"total":18430047},"progress":"[===================> ] 7.274MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:26 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":8847360,"total":18430047},"progress":"[========================> ] 8.847MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:26 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":10223616,"total":18430047},"progress":"[===========================> ] 10.22MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:26 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":11403264,"total":18430047},"progress":"[==============================> ] 11.4MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:26 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":12976128,"total":18430047},"progress":"[===================================> ] 12.98MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:26 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":13959168,"total":18430047},"progress":"[=====================================> ] 13.96MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:26 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":15925248,"total":18430047},"progress":"[===========================================> ] 15.93MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:27 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":17498112,"total":18430047},"progress":"[===============================================> ] 17.5MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:27 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":18430047,"total":18430047},"progress":"[==================================================>] 18.43MB/18.43MB","id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:27 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Pull complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"da2c5c854c67"} May 11 23:04:27 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":664,"total":664},"progress":"[==================================================>] 664B/664B","id":"a16631bc6f4e"} May 11 23:04:27 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":664,"total":664},"progress":"[==================================================>] 664B/664B","id":"a16631bc6f4e"} May 11 23:04:27 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Pull complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"a16631bc6f4e"} May 11 23:04:27 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":774,"total":774},"progress":"[==================================================>] 774B/774B","id":"a124cda54c5a"} May 11 23:04:27 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":774,"total":774},"progress":"[==================================================>] 774B/774B","id":"a124cda54c5a"} May 11 23:04:27 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Pull complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"a124cda54c5a"} May 11 23:04:27 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Digest: sha256:6ea9756d8ad0e658e381b1ecbe06e1c5210af35a70893b71db2a1c4a52cfeb68"} May 11 23:04:27 box:docker pullImage: {"status":"Status: Downloaded newer image for cloudron/io.minio.cloudronapp:20210623-170632-719620233"} May 11 23:04:27 box:docker downloaded image cloudron/io.minio.cloudronapp:20210623-170632-719620233 May 11 23:04:27 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":50,"message":"Creating app data directory"} May 11 23:04:27 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading backup and restoring addons"} May 11 23:04:27 box:services setupAddons: Setting up ["localstorage"] May 11 23:04:27 box:services setupAddons: setting up addon localstorage with options {} May 11 23:04:27 box:services setupLocalStorage May 11 23:04:27 box:shell createVolume spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ /home/yellowtent/appsdata/62102342-80df-4ed9-9c39-b5d86b80ec13/data May 11 23:04:27 box:services clearAddons May 11 23:04:27 box:services clearAddons: clearing ["localstorage"] May 11 23:04:27 box:services clearLocalStorage May 11 23:04:27 box:shell clearVolume spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ clear /home/yellowtent/appsdata/62102342-80df-4ed9-9c39-b5d86b80ec13/data May 11 23:04:27 box:backuptask download: Downloading 2022-05-10-010001-091/app_wordpress-backups.ud.coop_v1.165.0 of format tgz to {"localRoot":"/home/yellowtent/appsdata/62102342-80df-4ed9-9c39-b5d86b80ec13","layout":[]} May 11 23:04:27 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading backup 2022-05-10-010001-091/app_wordpress-backups.ud.coop_v1.165.0"} May 11 23:04:27 box:storage/filesystem download: /mnt/backup/2022-05-10-010001-091/app_wordpress-backups.ud.coop_v1.165.0.tar.gz May 11 23:04:37 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading 799M@76MBps"} May 11 23:04:47 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading 1604M@78MBps"} May 11 23:04:57 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading 2498M@82MBps"} May 11 23:05:07 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading 3289M@81MBps"} May 11 23:05:17 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading 4236M@84MBps"} May 11 23:05:27 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading 5131M@85MBps"} May 11 23:05:37 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading 6068M@86MBps"} May 11 23:05:47 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading 6908M@86MBps"} May 11 23:05:57 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading 7721M@85MBps"} May 11 23:06:07 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading 8552M@85MBps"} May 11 23:06:17 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading 9383M@85MBps"} May 11 23:06:27 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading 10185M@85MBps"} May 11 23:06:34 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":65,"message":"Downloading 10750M@84MBps"} May 11 23:06:34 box:backuptask tarExtract: done. May 11 23:06:34 box:backuptask downloadApp: time: 126.857 May 11 23:06:34 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":70,"message":"Restoring addons"} May 11 23:06:34 box:services restoreAddons May 11 23:06:34 box:services restoreAddons: restoring ["localstorage"] May 11 23:06:34 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":80,"message":"Creating container"} May 11 23:06:34 box:apptask createContainer: creating container May 11 23:06:34 box:shell addLogrotateConfig spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ add 62102342-80df-4ed9-9c39-b5d86b80ec13 /tmp/62102342-80df-4ed9-9c39-b5d86b80ec13.logrotate May 11 23:06:34 box:shell addCollectdProfile spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ add 62102342-80df-4ed9-9c39-b5d86b80ec13 May 11 23:06:34 box:shell addCollectdProfile (stdout): Restarting collectd May 11 23:06:34 box:apptask startApp: starting container May 11 23:06:35 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":95,"message":"Configuring reverse proxy"} May 11 23:06:35 ==> Changing ownership May 11 23:06:35 ==> Starting minio May 11 23:06:35 box:reverseproxy ensureCertificate: certificate already exists at /home/yellowtent/platformdata/nginx/cert/ May 11 23:06:35 box:reverseproxy expiryDate: /home/yellowtent/platformdata/nginx/cert/ notAfter=Jul 24 23:01:53 2022 GMT daysLeft=74.038395 May 11 23:06:35 box:reverseproxy providerMatchesSync: /home/yellowtent/platformdata/nginx/cert/ subject=CN = * domain=* issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R3 wildcard=true/true prod=true/true issuerMismatch=false wildcardMismatch=false match=true May 11 23:06:35 box:reverseproxy ensureCertificate: certificate already exists at /home/yellowtent/platformdata/nginx/cert/ May 11 23:06:35 box:reverseproxy expiryDate: /home/yellowtent/platformdata/nginx/cert/ notAfter=Jul 24 23:01:53 2022 GMT daysLeft=74.03839462962964 May 11 23:06:35 box:reverseproxy providerMatchesSync: /home/yellowtent/platformdata/nginx/cert/ subject=CN = * domain=* issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R3 wildcard=true/true prod=true/true issuerMismatch=false wildcardMismatch=false match=true May 11 23:06:35 box:reverseproxy writeAppNginxConfig: writing config for "" to /home/yellowtent/platformdata/nginx/applications/62102342-80df-4ed9-9c39-b5d86b80ec13.conf with options {"sourceDir":"/home/yellowtent/box","vhost":"","hasIPv6":true,"ip":"","port":8000,"endpoint":"app","redirectTo":null,"certFilePath":"/home/yellowtent/platformdata/nginx/cert/","keyFilePath":"/home/yellowtent/platformdata/nginx/cert/","robotsTxtQuoted":null,"cspQuoted":null,"hideHeaders":[],"proxyAuth":{"enabled":false,"id":"62102342-80df-4ed9-9c39-b5d86b80ec13","location":"/"},"ocsp":true} May 11 23:06:35 box:shell reload spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ nginx May 11 23:06:35 box:apptask run: app error for state pending_restore: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'API_SERVER_DOMAIN') at writeAppNginxConfig (/home/yellowtent/box/src/reverseproxy.js:528:47) at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async writeAppConfig (/home/yellowtent/box/src/reverseproxy.js:557:9) at async Object.configureApp (/home/yellowtent/box/src/reverseproxy.js:574:5) at async install (/home/yellowtent/box/src/apptask.js:407:5) May 11 23:06:35 box:taskworker Task took 136.041 seconds May 11 23:06:35 box:tasks setCompleted - 8146: {"result":null,"error":{"stack":"TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'taskId')\n at makeTaskError (/home/yellowtent/box/src/apptask.js:54:26)\n at run (/home/yellowtent/box/src/apptask.js:814:86)\n at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)","message":"Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'taskId')"}} May 11 23:06:35 box:tasks update 8146: {"percent":100,"result":null,"error":{"stack":"TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'taskId')\n at makeTaskError (/home/yellowtent/box/src/apptask.js:54:26)\n at run (/home/yellowtent/box/src/apptask.js:814:86)\n at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)","message":"Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'taskId')"}} Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'taskId') at makeTaskError (/home/yellowtent/box/src/apptask.js:54:26) at run (/home/yellowtent/box/src/apptask.js:814:86) at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) May 11 23:06:35 IAM initialization complete
If I go to the url I get this:
You are seeing this page because the DNS record of is set to this server's IP but Cloudron has no app configured for this domain.
I thought I'd try hitting save in Location and I get this error:
secondaryDomain API_SERVER_DOMAIN is not listed in manifest
It seems something about the new API server domain of the new version is messing up restoring the older version
Figured I'd try cloning from one of 1.165.0 backups, same error:
secondaryDomain API_SERVER_DOMAIN is not listed in manifest
Well, yes, that's because in that version is is no API_SERVER_DOMAIN!
So, tried restoring the 2.0.0-1 backup instead, because at least that has the API_SERVER_DOMAIN
But that just results in Not Responding, I think because some of the stuff I put in was confusing it. So deleted those lines and restarted... and I'm finally back in!
Now to see if I can get the BackWPUp plugin in WordPress to work again... seems to be. Phew.
But I'm still very confused about the Access and Secret Keys...
Thankfully it turns out I had them saved in Bit/ValutWarden, but they don't appear to be anywhere in Minio itself (there is nothing in the file), so where/ how is Minio actually storing them?!?
Anyways, @staff, I'm sorted for now, but I think I've found a bug in that it's currently impossible to restore older versions of Minio as it's expecting there to be an API_SERVER_DOMAIN in the manifest, when of course there isn't because no such thing existed in older versions.
@jdaviescoates yes, indeed, this is a bug.
Probably not worth fixing since this was just a special case with this app. i pondered if I just push out the new minio as a totally different app but thought that people might have their existing data there and would be a hassle to migrate.
@jdaviescoates said in Restoring backups not working - stuck on Restoring:
I think because some of the stuff I put in was confusing it.
Also, @staff I think perhaps something should be added to the docs about how the characters
shouldn't be used in password/ keys as that seems to confuse Minio.I'm pretty sure that's what lead to these errors:
May 11 23:22:58 /app/data/ line 5: Uv: unbound variable May 11 23:22:58 /app/data/ line 5: $4: unbound variable May 11 23:22:58 /app/data/ line 5: NFrBzhA: unbound variable May 11 23:23:00 /app/data/ line 5: Uv: unbound variable May 11 23:23:00 /app/data/ line 5: $4: unbound variable May 11 23:23:00 /app/data/ line 5: NFrBzhA: unbound variable May 11 23:23:02 /app/data/ line 5: XJxQXBuvsqk4Cei^Y!d9u9iH2NR@WZuzLdix*743P: command not found May 11 23:23:02 /app/data/ line 5: NFrBzhA: unbound variable May 11 23:23:02 /app/data/ line 5: Uv: unbound variable May 11 23:23:03 /app/data/ line 5: Uv: unbound variable May 11 23:23:03 /app/data/ line 5: NFrBzhA: unbound variable May 11 23:23:03 /app/data/ line 5: $4: unbound variable May 11 23:23:03 /app/data/ line 5: XJxQXBuvsqk4Cei^Y!d9u9iH2NR@WZuzLdix*743P: command not found May 11 23:23:03 /app/data/ line 5: WLk2UWtapFJ2fCbzEBM: command not found May 11 23:23:05 /app/data/ line 5: Uv: unbound variable May 11 23:23:05 /app/data/ line 5: $4: unbound variable May 11 23:23:05 /app/data/ line 5: NFrBzhA: unbound variable May 11 23:23:05 /app/data/ line 5: XJxQXBuvsqk4Cei^Y!d9u9iH2NR@WZuzLdix*743P: command not found May 11 23:23:08 /app/data/ line 5: Uv: unbound variable May 11 23:23:08 /app/data/ line 5: $4: unbound variable May 11 23:23:08 /app/data/ line 5: XJxQXBuvsqk4Cei^Y!d9u9iH2NR@WZuzLdix*743P: command not found May 11 23:23:08 /app/data/ line 5: NFrBzhA: unbound variable May 11 23:23:12 /app/data/ line 5: Uv: unbound variable May 11 23:23:12 /app/data/ line 5: XJxQXBuvsqk4Cei^Y!d9u9iH2NR@WZuzLdix*743P: command not found May 11 23:23:12 /app/data/ line 5: NFrBzhA: unbound variable May 11 23:23:12 /app/data/ line 5: WLk2UWtapFJ2fCbzEBM: command not found May 11 23:23:12 /app/data/ line 5: $4: unbound variable May 11 23:23:19 /app/data/ line 5: Uv: unbound variable May 11 23:23:19 /app/data/ line 5: $4: unbound variable May 11 23:23:19 /app/data/ line 5: NFrBzhA: unbound variable May 11 23:23:19 /app/data/ line 5: XJxQXBuvsqk4Cei^Y!d9u9iH2NR@WZuzLdix*743P: command not found
@girish well, if you're not going to fix the bug, perhaps at least add a warning somewhere that once you've upgraded it's impossible to restore older backups? Thanks goodness I also had a backup of the latest version otherwise I don't know what I would've done!
@jdaviescoates Agreed... Except that we actually made this update 5 months ago. I do wonder how many others have not updated to latest minio. Latest minio package is v2.5.0 (there's been around 15-20 releases since the v2 package).
I think a good lesson for us for next time we do something like this.
@jdaviescoates Since it's shell script , maybe you have to single quote things properly. Like so:
export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD='minioa#dm$in'
@girish said in Restoring backups not working - stuck on Restoring:
I do wonder how many others have not updated to latest minio
Given how pervasive the fear of breaking thing by updating is (I used to have to constantly tell people I made Wordpress sites for that the risk of getting hacked by not updating is higher than the risk of breaking something by updating), I'd guess quite a few.
@girish said in Restoring backups not working - stuck on Restoring:
@jdaviescoates Since it's shell script , maybe you have to single quote things properly. Like so:
export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD='minioa#dm$in'
I think the docs need updating to make that clear.
At present they just say:
To change admin credentials, use the File manager to edit the variables MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD in /app/data/
- My doesn't even have those variables
- I think you should include a full example like you did above
export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD='minioa#dm$in'
Including highlighting that the single quotes are important
Probably also worth adding that this user/ pass combo are also the Access Key and Secret Key too (to avoid similar confusion to what happened with Own Cast)
I did a full run of update testing now.
After upgrade, I was able to login with my previous root credentials.
After upgrade, indeed, the env variables are not injected. I have put an example in docs now - . New installs have these variables.
I was able to reproduce the clone issue. Was easy to fix. I guess this will be useful in case one wants to inspect older backups in the future.
The restore is a bit more complex - Made an issue