SnappyMail - Package Updates
- Update SnappyMail to 2.16.3
- Full changelog
- Character garbling when "Content-Type" has "shift_jis" #394
- Export contacts failed
- IMAP Login fails with special characters #382
- Squire: startBlock null error
- Sieve: undefined args[i-1]
- Cannot edit vacation rule in rainloop.user sieve script #400
- Simple filter editor: VACATION_*_LABELs not shown when creating a new vacation filter #404
- Typed property DOMElement::$tagName must not be accessed before initialization #393
- Cannot login with 2.16.1 (no such table: rainloop_users) #418
- Fix performance on threaded view in large folders #417 by @edlerd
- Inconsistent labelling: "Identities" vs. "Accounts" #410
- Login screen uses same left/right CSS styling as main application #413
- Sieve : removing filter : confirmation popup not seen #330
- Cannot save rainloop.user Sieve script containing vacation actions #407
- hide_x_mailer_header option was missing for ReadReceiptMessage
- Change Ordering of SASLMechanisms for faulty servers #423 by @geraldurbas
- Can not login in admin #425
- Update SnappyMail to 2.17.0
- Full changelog
- CardDAV contact sync causes PHP errors #432
- ExternalLogin GetRequest() is undefined #321
- Resizer value failed on initialization.
- Cannot log in easily with auto-completed mail address due to error message "Please match the requested format." #436
- Snowfall plugin #434
- Not rendering remote content #439
- Cookie sizes larger than 4kb? can't log in! #451
- Bogosity Spam Score is always there and red.... #456
- "Mark as important" symbol not showing #459
- Domain disabled wildcard failed
- use_imap_unselect was removed/is undefined
- Message flags/keywords are 'atom' and should be Utf7 modified
- RFC 9051 IMAP4rev2 keywords and $ReadReceipt should be $MDNSent
- Update SnappyMail to 2.17.0
- Full changelog
- Empty lines disappear after formatting #462
- Filter editor : fileinto "folder" goes empty; #464
- Confusing date format #465
- Messages list no timeout error. #471
- AdvancedSearch popup prefill the values when already searching
- Added "Hide messages marked for deletion" option #470
- Added advanced search option: answered = yes/no
- Added Esperanto as language
- Update Portuguese (Portugal) #467 by @ner00
- Preparations for new AddressBook system
- Cleanup Sieve filters editor
- Cleanup some JavaScript code
- Admin: Ask for IMAP login credentials when testing, idea for #477
- Less padding in toggle identity button
- Make messageList items font 1px larger
- Replace bootstrap .caret with unicode
- Cleanup templates
- Replaced <ul class="dropdown-menu"> with <menu>
- Contacts replaced LINK_ADD_EMAIL with fontastic
- Update SnappyMail to 2.17.1
- Full changelog
- View messages marked for deletion failed #470
- gnupg storage path was incorrect
- Composer window Identities dropdown not visible in 2.17.1 #479
- Cleanup GetUids() cache handling
- PopupsAsk when hitting Enter, submit form
- Allow private keys without passphrase in local browser storage #429
- Update Japanese translations #480 by @yasuhirokimura
- Update SnappyMail to 2.17.3
- Full changelog
- Double escape / display issue of ampersand in message creation window #484
- Filters : Regex with backslash : invalid Sieve output generated #494
- undefined mb_internal_encoding() when PHP mbstring is not installed
- Keep message A elements when there is an image inside
- Remove duplicate 'ReplyTo'
- Elements within tables or divs not always centered correctly #500
- Hitting the reply button on an email in Sent shouldn't send an email to myself #497
- Sieve scripts should always have CRLF
- Filters : remove Advanced filter : display empty error #492
- Update SnappyMail to 3.17.4
- Full changelog
- SSO login fails #507
- Login inputs white text on white background in some themes #508
- v2.17.3 has completely broken Reply All #506
- mb_convert_encoding(): Unsupported encoding WINDOWS-1257 #505 (requires iconv)
- Add settings option "Reply to all" as default #496
- Improved mime parser
- ?admin use JavaScript Optional chaining
- Update SnappyMail to 2.18.0
- Full changelog
- New AddressBook system for managing contacts.
- The messagelist click function #510, #511, #512 and #514
- Issues with HTMLDialogElement Esc key (as Firefox 98+ now also supports it)
- Probably solution for: Request Timed Out #487
- New AddressBook system
- Sabre VObject to v4.5.0 and Xml to v3.0.0
- Use JavaScript Optional chaining in user interface (?admin already did)
- Update SnappyMail to 2.18.0
- Full changelog
- New AddressBook system for managing contacts.
- The messagelist click function #510, #511, #512 and #514
- Issues with HTMLDialogElement Esc key (as Firefox 98+ now also supports it)
- Probably solution for: Request Timed Out #487
- New AddressBook system
- Sabre VObject to v4.5.0 and Xml to v3.0.0
- Use JavaScript Optional chaining in user interface (?admin already did)
- Update SnappyMail to 2.18.2
- Full changelog
- GnuPG directory failed when /tmp/snappymail is not writable
- Cannot change password with plugin #526
- Contact stored in MySQL to MEDIUMTEXT #519
- Broken hasCheckedOrSelected()
- Deprecation message is inserted at the top of mail source window #515
- Selector Shift + Arrow made checkboxes "checked" in a weird way
- TypeError: s.parentNode.closest is not a function #516
- Security: disable spellcheck everywhere by default due to Chrome/Edge sending data you enter to their servers.
- Added plain message tel uri detection
- Log some info for "Carddav sync with Nextcloud always read only" #520
- Squire WYSIWYG should be a bit faster now
- Ask closing SnappyMail in mobile view when viewing a message
- Don't clear MessagelistUserStore when switching layout
- Reduce "Request is aborted" message is often diplayed #518
- Update Vietnamese by @Arxwel
- Workaround for Firefox issue #368 and #513
- Drop the knockout.js tasks from compiled code
- Drop Knockout.js loading components asynchronous
- Use Optional chaining in vendors/* code
- Drop search capa to always allow it
- Drop unused TextAreaComponent
- Speedup and reduce all code a bit
- Update SnappyMail to 2.18.3
- Full changelog
- Broken contacts/addressbook #527
- Mime parser for decrypted messages failed
- carddav sync error: Invalid vCard date-time string #528
- ReadReceipt Call to a member function append() on null
- mailto: was broken due to fix for #484
- PHP log should not always be filled with notices
- Move/copy selected messages issue #534
- Added option to (un)hide Kolab folders
- Added CSS --border-color for better styling
- Cleanup application.ini
- Lazy load all message images
- Use HTML details/summary elements for blockquote switcher, should bugfix #516
- Update translations (french by @Mimoza and german by @noseshimself)
- Folder/mailbox name editing
- Change Squire HTML<>TEXT button for clarity as discussed in #498
- Squire HtmlEditor html source handling
- Changed "add folder" and "copy messages" glyphs
- Made the new Admin => Config experimental editable #189
- Removed CheckboxSimple component (was only used at login)
- Removed in_iframe and X-Frame-Options due to CSP, found while investigating #537
- Removed the mostly unused InputComponent and use normal
- Removed the old "move to folder" behaviour option
- Redesign messages drag and drop as discussed in #532
- Very little space to compose mail when having lots of recipients #533
- Sme code cleanups
- Update SnappyMail to 2.18.4
- Full changelog
- this.isPlainEditor is not a function #541
- stripTracking broke plain text view
- use_app_debug_css/use_app_debug_js crashes SnappyMail #538
- Added option to show inline images as attachments
- Allow setting cookie SameSite #537
- Rename CheckboxMaterialDesignComponent to CheckboxComponent
- Reduce AppData result for unauthorized visitors
- stripTracking now also replaces Mandrill, DHL, Google and Outlook tracking links and removes more tracking parameters
- Cleanup translations
- Visual glitches in compose window #539
- Workaround for broken Reddit HTML messages #540
- Update SnappyMail to 2.18.5
- Full changelog
- Top email address not showing in drop down menu #543
- $ got removed from hash path
- IMAP read lines longer then 8192 bytes afterlogic/MailSo#5
- IMAP read Base64 lines longer then 8192 bytes afterlogic/MailSo#6 maybe solves #466
- Added search/filter folders #474
- Added Quick unread filter #447
- Added Advanced search for KEYWORD/tag/label regarding #419
- Added "Create new keyword/tag/label" for message regarding #419
- Don't thumbnail message inline images and show filename in title attribute
- When img element alt is missing, use last part of src
- Replace PHP 8.2.0 deprecated utf8_decode/utf8_encode
- Strip more (click) tracking parameters
- Some style changes
- Workaround invalid [Cloudron Forum] Digest href="...." links
- Update SnappyMail to 2.18.6
- Full changelog
- Don't set empty CSP script nonce-
- Undefined SASLMechanisms when testing IMAP in ?admin
- TypeError: .parentNode?.closest is not a function #546
- Contacts suggestion IMAP folder enhancement not working anymore? #545
- Some messages flags/keywords case-insensitivity
- Added JavaScript rl-view-model.create event for advanced plugin code
- Nextcloud release with plugin #96
- Reduce JavaScript footprint
- Drop ifvisible as it was only used for Prefetch and that feature was removed in v2.17
- Hide unread count for all system folders, except INBOX. Also solves request for Spam box in #457
- Replace "Ctrl+P" shortcut with proper @media print CSS
- Strip Reddit and correlation_id click tracking
- Move /bin/ to better suited /cli/ for #229 and #544 with help of @eibex
- Update SnappyMail to 2.19.0
- Full changelog
- Shift-selecting messages does not select the message you clicked on #554
- PHP imap_mutf7_to_utf8 is broken for U+10000 and up
- PHP 8.2: Mbstring: Base64, Uuencode, QPrint are deprecated #555
- Some message view styling issues for certain HTML messages
- Workaround PHP --disable-phar aka Class 'PharData' not found #392
- JavaScript substr() is deprecated
- Resolve message color issue and hidden image detection #564
- Update SnappyMail to 2.19.3
- Full changelog
- Some html links fail to render properly #580
- trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated #578
- Number of unread messages isn't shown with Spam folder #567
- Added drag/drop local EML files into any mailbox/folder on the left
- Reduce memory footprint
- Better error message for #586
- Improved login default_domain with dynamic options (HTTP_HOST, SERVER_NAME and gethostname)
- Put back ExternalSso for #585
- Better message header style
- Cleanup some JavaScript code
- Cleanup MailSo
- Need more space between the checkbox and the subject line #579
- Better logger that handles uncaught exceptions
- Update Chinese translation by @mayswind
- All MailSo and RainLoop Exceptions to a more logical RuntimeException
- Update SnappyMail to 2.19.6
- Full changelog
- Base Domain setup enhancements
- Cleanup MailSo MailClient using
- Domain settings handling and store as JSON instead of ini
- Some JavaScript changes
- Put sign and encrypt options in composer dropdown menu and simplify te two existing buttons with a glyph
- When try to login IMAP/SMTP/SIEVE but STARTTLS is required, force STARTTLS
- Filter scripts UI let user understand which filter is active #590
- Update SnappyMail to 2.19.7
- Full changelog
- Create .pgp directory was missing
- Logger leaked some passwords
- PGP Decryption / Encryption Failures #600
- Make it clear that you are on the admin panel login screen
- Force PHP opcache_invalidate due to upgrade error reports "Missing version directory"