Paperless-ngx - Package Updates
M marcusquinn referenced this topic on
- Important: This package now uses the Paperless-ngx project
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.6.0
- Full changelog
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.7.0
- Full changelog
- global drag'n'drop @shamoon (#283)
- Fix: download buttons should disable while waiting @shamoon (#630)
- Update checker @shamoon (#591)
- Show prompt on password-protected pdfs @shamoon (#564)
- Filtering query params aka browser navigation for filtering @shamoon (#540)
- Clickable tags in dashboard widgets @shamoon (#515)
- Add bottom pagination @shamoon (#372)
- Feature barcode splitter @gador (#532)
- App loading screen @shamoon (#298)
- Use progress bar for delayed buttons @shamoon (#415)
- Add minimum length for documents text filter @shamoon (#401)
- Added nav buttons in the document detail view @GruberViktor (#273)
- Improve date keyboard input @shamoon (#253)
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.7.1
- Full changelog
- mobile friendlier manage pages @shamoon (#873)
- Use semver for release process @stumpylog (#851)
- Feature barcode tiff support @gador (#766)
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.8.0
- Full changelog
- Feature use env vars in pre post scripts @ziprandom (#1154)
- frontend task queue @shamoon (#1020)
- Fearless scikit-learn updates @stumpylog (#1082)
- Adds support for Docker secrets @stumpylog (#1034)
- make frontend timezone un-aware @shamoon (#957)
- Change document thumbnails to WebP @stumpylog (#1127)
- Fork django-q to update dependencies @stumpylog (#1014)
- Fix: Rework query params logic @shamoon (#1000)
- Enhancement: show note on language change and offer reload @shamoon (#1030)
- Include error information when Redis connection fails @stumpylog (#1016)
- frontend settings saved to database @shamoon (#919)
- Add "Created" as additional (optional) parameter for post_documents @eingemaischt (#965)
- Convert Changelog to markdown, auto-commit future changelogs @qcasey (#935)
- allow all ASN filtering functions @shamoon (#920)
- gunicorn: Allow IPv6 sockets @vlcty (#924)
- initial app loading indicators @shamoon (#899)
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.9.1
- Full changelog
- Bugfix: Fixes missing OCR mode skip noarchive @stumpylog (#1645)
- Fix reset button padding on small screens @shamoon (#1646)
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.9.2
- Full changelog
- Bugfix: Allow
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.10.0
- Full changelog
- Feature: Capture stdout & stderr of the pre/post consume scripts @stumpylog (#1967)
- Feature: Allow running custom container initialization scripts @stumpylog (#1838)
- Feature: Add more file name formatting options @stumpylog (#1906)
- Feature: 1.9.2 UI tweaks @shamoon (#1886)
- Feature: Optional celery monitoring with Flower @stumpylog (#1810)
- Feature: Save pending tasks for frontend @stumpylog (#1816)
- Feature: Improved processing for automatic matching @stumpylog (#1609)
- Feature: Transition to celery for background tasks @stumpylog (#1648)
- Feature: UI Welcome Tour @shamoon (#1644)
- Feature: slim sidebar @shamoon (#1641)
- change default matching algo to auto and move to constant @NiFNi (#1754)
- Feature: Enable end to end Tika testing in CI @stumpylog (#1757)
- Feature: frontend update checking settings @shamoon (#1692)
- Feature: Upgrade to qpdf 11, pikepdf 6 & ocrmypdf 14 @stumpylog (#1642)
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.10.1
- Full changelog
- Feature: Allows documents in WebP format @stumpylog (#1984)
- Fix: frontend tasks display in 1.10.0 @shamoon (#2073)
- Bugfix: Custom startup commands weren't run as root @stumpylog (#2069)
- Bugfix: Add libatomic for armv7 compatibility @stumpylog (#2066)
- Bugfix: Don't silence an exception when trying to handle file naming @stumpylog (#2062)
- Bugfix: Some tesseract languages aren't detected as installed. @stumpylog (#2057)
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.10.2
- Update Cloudron base image to 4.0.0
- Full changelog
- Bugfix: Language code checks around two part languages @stumpylog (#2112)
- Bugfix: Redis socket compatibility didn't handle URLs with ports @stumpylog (#2109)
- Bugfix: Incompatible URL schemes for socket based Redis @stumpylog (#2092)
- Fix doc links in contributing @tooomm (#2102)
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.11.0
- Full changelog
- Feature: frontend paperless mail @shamoon (#2000)
- Feature: Ability to consume mails and eml files @p-h-a-i-l (#848)
- Chore: Downgrade hiredis to 2.0.0 @stumpylog (#2262)
- Add ability to provide the configuration file path using an env variable @hashworks (#2241)
- Feature: Adds option to allow a user to export directly to a zipfile @stumpylog (#2004)
- Feature: Adds PaperlessTask admin page interface @stumpylog (#2184)
- Feature: speed up frontend by truncating content @shamoon (#2028)
- Feature: Allow bulk download API to follow file name formatting @stumpylog (#2003)
- Feature: Bake NLTK into Docker image @stumpylog (#2129)
- Feature: frontend paperless mail @shamoon (#2000)
- Feature: Ability to consume mails and eml files @p-h-a-i-l (#848)
- Bugfix: Handle RTL languages better @stumpylog (#1665)
- Fixed typo in docs @mendelk (#2256)
- Fix: support tags__id__none in advanced search, fix tags filter badge count for excluded @shamoon (#2205)
- Bugfix: Don't run system checks on migrate @stumpylog (#2183)
- Bugfix: Decoding task signals could fail on datetime type @stumpylog (#2058)
- Install nltk data
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.11.3
- Full changelog
- Bugfix: Return created task ID when posting document to API @stumpylog (#2279)
- Bugfix: Fix no content when processing some RTL files @stumpylog (#2295)
- Bugfix: Handle email dates maybe being naive @stumpylog (#2293)
- Fix: live filterable dropdowns broken in 1.11.x @shamoon (#2292)
- Bugfix: Reading environment from files didn't work for management commands @stumpylog (#2261)
- Bugfix: Return created task ID when posting document to API @stumpylog (#2279)
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.12.2
- Full changelog
- Bugfix: Allow pre-consume scripts to modify incoming file @stumpylog (#2547)
- Bugfix: Return to page based barcode scanning @stumpylog (#2544)
- Fix: Try to prevent title debounce overwriting @shamoon (#2543)
- Fix comment search highlight + multi-word search @shamoon (#2542)
- Bugfix: Request PDF/A format from Gotenberg @stumpylog (#2530)
- Fix: Trigger reindex for pre-existing comments @shamoon (#2519)
- Fix NLTK data pth
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.13.0
- Full changelog
- Feature: allow disable warn on close saved view with changes @shamoon (#2681)
- Feature: Add option to enable response compression @stumpylog (#2621)
- Feature: split documents on ASN barcode @muued (#2554)
- Fix: Ignore path filtering didn't handle sub directories @stumpylog (#2674)
- Bugfix: Generation of secret key hangs during install script @stumpylog (#2657)
- Fix: Remove files produced by barcode splitting when completed @stumpylog (#2648)
- Fix: add missing storage path placeholders @shamoon (#2651)
- Fix long dropdown contents break document detail column view @shamoon (#2638)
- Fix: tags dropdown should stay closed when removing @shamoon (#2625)
- Bugfix: Configure scheduled tasks to expire after some time @stumpylog (#2614)
- Bugfix: Limit management list pagination maxSize to 5 @Kaaybi (#2618)
- Fix: Don't crash on bad ASNs during indexing @stumpylog (#2586)
- Fix: Prevent mktime OverflowError except in even more rare caes @stumpylog (#2574)
- Bugfix: Whoosh relative date queries weren't handling timezones @stumpylog (#2566)
- Fix importing files with non-ascii names @Kexogg (#2555)
- Update Paperless-ngx to 1.14.0
- Full changelog
- Feature: multi-user permissions @shamoon (#2147)
- Feature: Stronger typing for file consumption @stumpylog (#2744)
- Feature: double-click docs @shamoon (#2966)
- feature: Add support for zxing as barcode scanning lib @margau (#2907)
- Feature: Enable images to be released on @stumpylog (#2972)
- Feature: test mail account @shamoon (#2949)
- Feature: Capture celery and kombu logs to a file @stumpylog (#2954)
- Fix: Resolve Redis connection issues with ACLs @stumpylog (#2939)
- Feature: Allow mail account to use access tokens @stumpylog (#2930)
- Fix: Consumer polling could overwhelm database @stumpylog (#2922)
- Feature: Improved statistics widget @shamoon (#2910)
- Enhancement: rename comments to notes and improve notes UI @shamoon (#2904)
- Allow psql client certificate authentication @Ongy (#2899)
- Enhancement: support filtering multiple correspondents, doctypes & storage paths @shamoon (#2893)