Greenlight - Package Updates
- Update base image to 3.2.0
- Update Greenlight to 2.13.0
- CVE-2022-36028 - Severity: Moderate Value of return_to cookie is now checked to ensure it is a Greenlight url (#3631)
- CVE-2022-36029 - Severity: High Sessions are now expired if the password is changed (either through forget password or profile) (#3096)
- Removed JQuery UI which was using a version with known vulnerabilities (#3783)
- Multiple gem updates (#3615, #3653, #3686, #3688)
- Language updates
- Update Greenlight to 2.14.1
- update greenlight to 2.14.8
- update greenlight to 2.14.8-1
- Update greenlight to
Greenlight v3 [0.2.0]
- Rename .env to env
Greenlight v2 [1.1.4]
- Update greenlight to
Greenlight v3 [0.4.0]
- Compile assets at build time
- Email display name support
- Initial stable release
- Update Greenlight to 3.1.0
- Full changelog
- Removed Sign Up button if using external login (#5431)
- Increase max value allowed for Room Limit in Role Permissions to 10,000 (#5530)
- Join Url now accepts joinFormName to autofill the join name (#5526)
- Update Greenlight to
- Full changelog
- Fixed error preventing any of the upload file features from working (profile, presentation, logo) (#5590)
- Language updates
- Update Greenlight to
- Full changelog
- Fixed error when updating any site setting
- Remove unused turn addon
- Update Greenlight to 3.2.0
- Full changelog
- Added a Default Recording Visibility to the Site Settings (#5619)
- Added a new Role Permission to restrict certain roles from accessing certain recording visibilities (#5614)
- Moved the Help Center link to a Site Setting (#5594)
- Added a user:set_admin_role rake task to allow setting an existing user to admin (#5587)