@micmc sorry but the variables are so big for errors.
1007: ICE negotiation failed - The browser and FreeSWITCH try to negotiate ports to use to stream the media and that negotiation failed. Possible Causes:
NAT is blocking the connection
Firewall is blocking the UDP connection/ports
I am never running coturn on the same server as BBB, since I want my coturn to run on port 443 for very restrictive networks.
For example state agencies who only allow outgoing 80,443,25,465,587 and some more.
You can check your turn server here: https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/peerconnection/trickle-ice/
When starting a BBB Session press F12 go to the console and search for turn you will the credentials for this session which you can use for testing with trickle-ice.
Looks something like this
Sun Nov 28 2021 10:46:52 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time) | sip.UserAgent | · sessionDescriptionHandlerFactoryOptions: {"peerConnectionConfiguration":{"iceServers":[{"urls":"stun:turn.DOMAIN.TLD"},{"urls":"turns:DOMAIN.TLD:443?transport=tcp","credential":"N0ABNdyp4PaFQLowdq8sekjgGjI=","username":"1638179212:w_mcllm4lvdd4y"}],"sdpSemantics":"unified-plan"}}
Also a good place to look in firefox is about:webrtc to see where the connection between your client and the server the error occurs.
Like I said, many variables
Also you can force the usage of turn in firefox by going to about:config and setting media.peerconnection.ice.relay_only to true this way turn is forced.