FreeScout - Package Updates
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.79
- Full changelog
- Updated German translation.
- Replace base64 images in replies with attachment URLs (#3057)
- Do not try to send email again if mail server replies with "message file too big" error (#3065)
- Fix subject with colon being truncated in Webklex/php-imap library (#2964)
- Translate filter names in the the Search (#3058)
- Fixed "Undefined array key 0" error in Subscription class (#3059)
- Fixed module activation issue when /public/modules symlink exists but leads to wrong path.
- Improved subject decoding with iconv_mime_decode() function (#3066)
- Fixed error on Users page when user's first name is empty (#2972)
- Remove app.force_https parameter and determine protocol from app.url parameter instead (#3053)
- Decode subjects using iconv_mime_decode() function in Webklex/php-imap library (#3039)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.81
- Full changelog
- Improved subject decoding (#3089)
- Improved email validation: do not allow @unknown emails (#3101)
- Improved body decoding on fetching (#3089)
- Improved decoding attachment names with Webklex/PHP-IMAP library (#2753)
- Fixed decoding sender name in iso-2022-jp encoding (#3089)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.82
- Full changelog
- Updated Dutch translation.
- Preserve new lines when replacing vars in the signature (#3146)
- Fixed saving data into Timestamp field on PostgreSQL.
- Improved decoding strings and subject in Webklex/laravel-imap library.
- Show proper error message when module license key is invalid instead of "Module not found in the modules directory".
- Made using imap_utf8_to_mutf7() function optional in Webklex/laravel-imap library (#3152)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.84
- Full changelog
- Check pcntl extension status in System to avoid "Undefined constant SIGKILL" error.
- Fixed PHP version check in tools.php (#3162)
- Fixed GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::withScheme() error on PHP 7.1 (#3158)
- Do not try to resend email notifications for received bounce emails (#3156)
- Do not encode HTML entities in outoging plain text emails (#3159)
- Improved subject decoding (#3167)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.85
- Full changelog
- Improved iso-2022-jp subjects and attachment names decoding (#3185)
- List all Message-IDs in References header in replies to customers (#3175)
- Fixed "Attempt to read property id on null" in reply_fancy (#3182)
- Improved suject decoding (#3177)
- Fixed undefined variable bug in FollowerObserver (#3172)
- Limit the number of displayed non-writable cache files on Status page (#3165)
- Do not create an empty conversation when one email is being fetched by two processes at the same time (#3186)
- Updated Russian translation.
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.86
- Full changelog
- Allow to set trusted proxies via .env file using APP_TRUSTED_PROXIES parameter to allow proper client IP detection when using balancers, proxies or CloudFlare (#1994)
- Do not delete the message when another user discards a draft of the reply which just has been sent (#2873)
- Fixed "References" header in emails to customers (#3175)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.87
- Full changelog
- Check pcntl extension in the console version of PHP on Status page (#3190)
- Improved subject decoding (#3196)
- Save CC and BCC when saving outgoing email to the Sent IMAP folder (#3228)
- Make sure that conversation subject has String type when fetching emails.
- Save ICS attachments having no name as calendar.ics (#1412)
- Allow to view .json, .diff and .patch attachments (#3192)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.93
- Full changelog
- Added Chinese Simplified language.
- Added a .env file parameter allowing to restrict users to see only tickets assigned to themselves (#701)
- Updated Danish translation.
- Added findCustomersBySocialProfile() function.
- Added customer_channel table.
- Show an error message to support agent if an emial has not been sent after 1 hour - while FreeScout continues to try to send it (#3268)
- Fixed an issue with Unassigned and Assigned folders introduced in the previous release (#3287)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.95
- Full changelog
- Fixed an issue with the editor adding new lines when pasting HTML (#3264)
- Added "Mail Date and Time" option allowing to use date from mail headers when fetching emails (#3297)
- Added page parameter to URL when navigating over conversations (#3323)
- Replace non-replaced vars in mailbox custom from name with empty string (#1031)
- Fixed migration creating customer_channel table (#3309)
- Improved mail subject decoding (#3312)
- Fixed "Invalid text representation" error on PostgreSQL when saving mailbox permissions (#3315)
- Show correct 12 or 24 hour time format in calendars (#3322)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.98
- Full changelog
- Fixed "No query results for model error" on Status page (#3366)
- Fixed error on Status page when "open_basedir restriction in effect" occurs (#3375)
- Set default CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT value for curl.
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.99
- Full changelog
- Improved attachment names sanitizing (#3377)
- Allow to update all modules at once.
- Added freescout:module-update command allowing to update all modules at once (#3384)
- Added freescout:module-update command and --yes flag to tools/ script (#3384)
- Created GitHub continuous integration test.
- Properly process situation when application can not parse mail Date header on fetching (#3394)
- Removed "Mail Date and Time" option from Mail Settings (#3380)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.100
- Full changelog
- Improved conversation accessibility (#3415)
- Improved dependencies security.
- Added fetch_emails.mailbox_to_save_message hook (#3408)
- Fixed the issue due to which long fetching may be killed before it finishes (#3417)
- Fixed discarding new phone conversation draft (#3407)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.101
- Update base image to 4.2.0
- Full changelog
- Improved uploads folder security (#3428)
- Updated German translation.
- Created a CI test for testing the app with PostgreSQL.
- Fixed an error in PostgreSqlPlatform.php on PHP 8.2 with PostgreSQL.