i want to be able to use cloudron with cloudflare access.
this is to insure wile the protections of cloudron user directory are up, business employees and attackers will need another level of authentication. editionally, this will also insure they need approval from an administrator (like me) and also insuring more security.
AdisonVerlice -
What exactly would be the reason for using Cloudflare Access in this case? I don't know that product, could you explain a bit?
There's really nothing stopping you from doing this presently by using a Cloudflare CNI or (Argo) Tunnel / dedicated ingress proxy to eliminate direct public internet access to the box and provide connections to Cloudflare - bit of setup and maintenance, but realistically getting that level of private access is going to require some networking and sysadmin chops as such anyway.
the reasoning for using cloudflareaccess would be to insure that my admins need approval before accessing the box. cloudron doesn't offer that level of security. also for me, i illiminate the threat of public internet access by only filtering ports to cloudflare at the firewall level. currently, there is no good way to run cloudflare argo tunnels on cloudron.