Migrated Moodle to new Cloudron and admin users lost their capabilities
Have tried this twice now, with different results.
The first migration, admin users lost their admin permissions.
In further attempts, it appears that the admin users don't even exist.
Any thoughts? Have tried using the CLI to change the admin's passwords but even the 'admin' user doesn't exist.
Original set-up's admin users don't exist. admin/changeme123 offers nothing. It's like there's no users at all in the database or something.
(maybe someone can let me know the command to check inside the CLI?)
I seem to be getting this error on importing the backup from the old Cloudron, but after a few "retry import tasks", it seems to get past it...
Addons Error: Unexpected response code or HTTP error when piping /home/yellowtent/appsdata/d3fd5897-a3b5-456a-8fbf-1de8bcd842e6/postgresqldump to http://172......:3000/databases/dbd3fd5897a3b5456a8fbf1de8bcd842e6/restore?access_token=abac1be9f8a6257243b9e526d4a6c1db3645b2a592955e66ab2c547a880e6404f93e24a342bf36f490f4acf35eb3d55b28f4292139ebf5a3a7f8ec6351276fad22aff829e8e4e45fbf34d2876a9d91823c605a341f99e6bb1033f61c09288912cbec423e1f02beabf67facfb95a18c2175c5cbcbdd57fac230a8d1bbbbf92390&username=userd3fd5897a3b5456a8fbf1de8bcd842e6: status 500 complete false
I've tried multiple times to migrate choosing, "Leave user management to the app" and also "Allow all users from Cloudron", but there doesn't seem to be any difference.
Not sure why but only that very first attempt at migrating seemed to offer any semblance of success.
You are migrating from Moodle on one Cloudron to another Cloudron by importing from a backup . Is this correct?
In your original instance, were you using Cloudron authentication (i.e via LDAP) ? This is most likely to do with migration of users across instances.
@girish on the original instance it says "Login with dedicated account" which I believe is not Cloudron authentication?
Any way to be able to migrate users too?
I wonder if this is similar to issues I had with trying to move a Nextcloud from one Cloudron to another (it basically doesn't work because the users don't migrate)
I wonder if this is similar to issues I had with trying to move a Nextcloud from one Cloudron to another (it basically doesn't work because the users don't migrate)
@jdaviescoates sounds like it could be, however none of the users can login with the original usernames (and I'm not sure how to check the database)
Update: Tried the Moodle backup restore on the new cloudron for the 7th time and it's suddenly all running smoothly, all admin users can access without issue.