SerpBear - Package Updates
N nebulon pinned this topic on
- Fix cron setup
- Various packaging fixes
- Try to fix cron again
- Update serpbear to 2.0.4
- Full Changelog
- Ability to keywords for both mobile and desktop at once. (3786438), closes #60 #66 #199
- Adds ability to set Notification Email From name. (b35d333), closes #222
- Adds the ability to show hide columns in tracked keywords table. (d3e3760), closes #224
- auto filter keywords if they already exist instead of throwing error. (a09eb62), closes #244
- Displays Best position on mobile layout as well. (a74338f)
- Displays keyword's best position in email notification. (4c2f900)
- Update serpbear to 2.0.5
- Full Changelog
- Update serpbear to 2.0.6
- Full Changelog
- Update serpbear to 2.0.7
- Full Changelog
- Resolves AdWords integration issue. (36ed4cf)
- Fixes broken CDN images. (bf911b4)
- Add error message, if returned search HTML does not contain required elements by @phoehnel in #273