Hi team,
As a brand new user to this forum, I only have permissions to post and reply to the Comentario and Azuracast categories. A post I just made was moved from Comentario to the correct forum (per my request - OpenProject) and I am now unable to reply to it.
@Joseph any ideas on what is wrong with the settings for new users? If you move this topic I will have to create a new one in order to reply so please keep this in Comentario until we're finished troubleshooting and the issue is resolved.
New users need more "upvotes". It's a spam control mechanism, I believe.
There is a post queue system to prevent initial posts from spammers (ask me how I know - my first post went there). Upvotes would help but only if a user can get their post seen in the first place. That makes the Comentario and Azuracast sub-forums a super weird "pre-screening" choice for customers who have just joined the Cloudron community.
@umnz Once you have 1 upvote for any post, you should be able to post anywhere. Initial upvote is done by @staff . There's atleast 20 spam users every day on this forum, very annoying and this makes the whole UX annoying for anyone ;-(
That makes the Comentario and Azuracast sub-forums a super weird "pre-screening" choice for customers who have just joined the Cloudron community.
I think NodeBB (this forum) somehow locks new unverified users into random categories. It's not clear why this happens.
Thanks for your help on this Joseph.