Tiny Tiny RSS - Package Updates
Tiny Tiny RSS
- Update Tiny Tiny RSS to f489f620d0
- Switch to OIDC authentication. Important: If you use a mobile app, you might need to create an app password in Tiny Tiny RSS preferences to login.
- This package will become available only with Cloudron 7.6.0
- Update Tiny Tiny RSS to 9d37158d8c
- Update Tiny Tiny RSS to b8cbb167d
- Update Tiny Tiny RSS to 1fb202b
- Update Tiny Tiny RSS to 9c44af3
- Update Tiny Tiny RSS to 38a8ce069658
- Update Tiny Tiny RSS to df489df
- Update OIDC plugin to de6c9d0
- Update Tiny Tiny RSS to 468f464
- Update Tiny Tiny RSS to 68da94c
- Update Tiny Tiny RSS to d8718b7
- Update tt-rss to 42ebdb0