auto update dbip city lite database throws an error
The moment you configure the Location Database automatic updates function in
your log file has new entries:
WARNING [2024-09-27 07:30:30] 8 /app/data/plugins/GeoIp2/GeoIP2AutoUpdater.php(358): Warning - copy(/app/code/misc/DBIP-City.mmdb): Failed to open stream: Read-only file system - Matomo 5.1.2 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums: (please do a search first as it might have been reported already)
Does anyone else have the same behavior?
is a read-only location. I guess we can make this one file a symlink and maybe that will work with the updater. I just tried to reproduce this abut at least I can't make it trigger an update. I have added and saved that form but thats it?Also given that the URL contains the actual year and month I am kinda curious how refetching this will update to a newer version, does anyone know?