Cannot login anymore after switch to OIDC in latest update
@nebulon It returns the public IP address. The system is behind a reverse proxy. The webinterface is reachable over the internet. Should I be able to open https://my.<your cloudron domain>/.well-known/openid-configuration from a browser?
I only get a server error.
If the local systems can resolve the public IP then this seems fine.
What kind of reverse proxy setup is this, maybe it interferes with the requests? Can you maybe disable that and expose the system directly just to see if it works as expected then? -
N nebulon has marked this topic as solved on
Now, I have the same problem at a customer. Cloudron and bookstack are not accessible from the internet. It is used only internal. I created a custom.conf for the unbound dns. But it is still not working. How do I have to configure the dns setting that OpenID Connect is working? We use a wildcard certificate.
@buesching said in Cannot login anymore after switch to OIDC in latest update:
But it is still not working
Can you tell us what is not working?
a) Can users reach the cloudron dashboard?
b) Is the app not able to reach the cloudron oidc api? Like maybe nothing appears after you click oidc button in browser?
c) Is that wildcard certificate self signed?If c) is the issue then fixing unbound won't help here. Most apps do not accept self signed certs for oidc. I recommend simply using a proper wildcard cert. You can either switch to one of the Cloudron supported DNS providers OR purchase a wildcard cert (it's only 45usd at In either case, you can keep your setup completely private as now.
a) yes
b) same error as in the 4th post. See above.
c) it is not self signed. Its from geotrust.We had the same problem in our environment. It was an misconfiguration of our reverse proxy (from the firewall).
In the environment of the customer the dashboards are note accessible from the internet. In that case the traffic does not run over the reverse proxy. The connection is established locally. -
If you are looking for some DNS solution to avoid the reverse proxy, you have to add something like this to unbound custom config:
server: local-zone: typetransparent local-data: " A" is your dashboard domain . is the internal oidc server for the app can reach.
@buesching This is what I have in
:server: local-zone: typetransparent local-data: " A" local-data: " AAAA fd00:c107:d509::1"
systemctl restart unbound
To verify (
is the bookstack container. you can dodocker ps
to find the bookstack container) :root@ubuntu-8gb-nbg1-1:~# docker exec -ti 44dea384c5b0 /bin/bash root@ff31e413-a6d2-4914-bccb-5eeef305839c:/app/code# host has address has IPv6 address fd00:c107:d509::1
The above confirms our unbound is working.
root@ff31e413-a6d2-4914-bccb-5eeef305839c:/app/code# curl {"authorization_endpoint":"","claims_parameter_supported":false,"claims_supported":["sub","email","email_verified","family_name","given_name","locale","name","preferred_username","sid","auth_time","iss"],"code_challenge_methods_supported":["S256"],"grant_types_supported":["authorization_code","implicit","refresh_token"],"issuer":"","jwks_uri":"","authorization_response_iss_parameter_supported":true,"response_modes_supported":["form_post","fragment","query"],"response_types_supported":["code","id_token","id_token token","code id_token","code token","code id_token token","none"],"scopes_supported":["openid","offline_access","email","profile"],"subject_types_supported":["public"],"token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported":["client_secret_basic","client_secret_jwt","client_secret_post","private_key_jwt","none"],"token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported":["HS256","RS256","PS256","ES256","EdDSA"],"token_endpoint":"","id_token_signing_alg_values_supported":["RS256"],"pushed_authorization_request_endpoint":"","request_parameter_supported":false,"request_uri_parameter_supported":false,"userinfo_endpoint":"","claim_types_supported":["normal"]}
We get OIDC response. Can you check where it fails above for you?
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here: failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.