IPB alternative?
For a very long time, I've been using IPB forums when I was setting up a new professional community. I am working currently on a new setup and wanted to reactivate one of my old licenses but had to find out that they (as we say in Germany) "den Arsch offen haben".
You are now forced to get the whole suite and can't pick and choose as before, and that makes the update costs from $50 a year to $200 a year for 80% of crap I don't need and want.
I want to use WordPress a CMS, so the new software must support SSO or even better, have a direct WordPress plugin to work with my WP Groups. I also like the moderation options in IPB, so having a good support for moderators would be a great benefit too.
What do you guys use? Have any idea what comes close to IPB but doesn't suck? I am going to give Discourse a first try for the moment...