Using RSS-Bridge on Cloudron to create RSS or Atom feeds for Telegram Channels
It is great to have RSS-Bridge on Cloudron. It is so easy to setup and run.
RSS-Bridge can easily find and create both Atom and RSS feeds for Telegram channels, if you give it the Channel URL.
You can read the Telegram channel in RSS-Bridge then. The difficulty is in somehow getting the feed RSS-Bridge creates to work in a great feed reader, such as Miniflux, which Cloudron also supports.
Could somebody kindly explain how to do this? RSS-Bridge finds the username for the channel too, but that doesn't seem to be enough.
Thanks, @girish! That worked.
A couple of questions:
I have that URL working now. If it is shared, is it possible that others might discover the password that was necessary to create it?
The original feed in Telegram has lots of multimedia, like images or links to videos. When the feed is viewed using the RSS/Atom link in Miniflux, the images aren't there, though they can be seen if you follow the link back to Telegram. Is there a way to see the rich content in Miniflux too?
You can get the Atom feed and put it in miniflux. In Advanced, enter the username/password of your rss-bridge: